I am 20 years old and dated a guy for two years. For those two years I let him abuse me, physically, mentally, and verbally. This went on almost everyday. I found out he has sex with 4 of my friends behind my back and has been dating one. I finally left him for good. Now he has been calling my phone every single day since. On average at least two hundred calls a day. He leaves threatening voice mails and texts. He calls me horrible names and is threatening to kill me. He threatens to come to my house and harass my family and threatened to poison my dogs who are always playing in my backyard. I am so stressed and terrified. I would change my number but I sent over 30 resumes with this number to jobs. I have to keep it in order to hear back from them. This is taking a toll on me and preventing me from living my life. I feel it's time to get the law involved but I don't know what can be done to help me and what I need to do. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.