felony expungement?
2006-05-20 16:56:08 UTC
what qualifications
Seven answers:
2006-05-20 17:36:12 UTC
You can file to get it lowered to a misdemeanor at any time, expungement is a lot harder. The Governor in my State can pardon with a lawyer and a lot of cash. You would have to be a snitch or a Saint though to get it done. Go to clerk of the court that sentenced you, and ask for a modification you can do that yourself with out a lawyer. It can't hurt, and all they can say is no.
2006-05-21 01:33:17 UTC
u can expunge a felony provided it isn't DUI related or sexual in nature. Also, u must not have been arrested/charged w/any new crimes. Certain crimes, u will have to wait 10 years.

However, if u r a 1st time offender and your felony conviction is NON-violent (for ex., ID theft, 1st degree retail theft), u can get your expungement after 3 years.
2006-05-21 00:29:50 UTC
Depends on your state's laws, but generally, 10 years without any other criminal charges. However, there are certain crimes that cannot be expunged: DUIs, any crime with a weapon spec, child sex offenses. It isn't that much money to expunge...I charge a couple of's a motion to the court, and if the prosecutor doesn't object, a quick hearing and the order is sent to various agencies.
2006-05-20 23:59:44 UTC
No qualifications on felony expungement and it could not be allowed.
2006-05-21 00:02:13 UTC
Ten years of good citizenship is a good start. A felon may have a debt to society but he/she should be given a chance to make amends. I can't see why we should brand someone for life unless the crime is heinous.
2006-05-21 02:00:26 UTC
can't get a conviction expunged
2006-05-20 23:58:24 UTC
Ten years past, a clean record, and much cash.

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