spam is an invasion of privacy. sometimes the result of Internet search bots, but often from PERSONAL details about you being SOLD by others.
And yet the law says int the Data Protection Act that such information can only legally be held for a minimal time by those with a legitimate need, and no more than needed. This unknown spammed has no legal right to this information because you aren't already their customer.
Three mobile are perfect examples of it. Have you every got a new contract with them and noticed that towards the end of it, you get called by other companies offering you new contract? That's how they do it, by selling your contract info
Do you really want to do business with a company that BUYS information about you, sends out tons of wasted paper that you cant even wipe your backside on and has the persistence of a Rottweiler with its teeth in your a**e?
And how do they pay for it? They hide their extra costs and pas them on to you
No thanks, Id rather shop around