Why is Canadian court system so Light on impaired drivers?
smiling guy
2006-05-25 20:05:46 UTC
I wonder why our Canadian court system is light on charging impaired drivers, the first offence is a fine atleast and probation. The second offence is close to the first punishment. If you walk into a court room, and most of the offenders just geta slap on the hands, thats it. What makes it worse, when this person comes back a second, third or even forth time, they might get probation and higher fine. Then this person who has been charged over and over, finally kills some one, they get a slap on the hands again for taking some ones life.

So .....we see it every night some kills some one, drinking and driving. If a person get caught with drinking and driving, the book should be thrown at them....the first time, so it will sink into there heads, they are in jail, why pitty the offender.
Two answers:
2006-05-25 20:16:05 UTC
Hell you'd need to lock up everyone in Canada.
dat dark boy flip
2006-05-26 03:08:59 UTC
cuz they are stupid and can't think for others

the only good canadian I know is Steve Nash

Everyone else there is retarted

thats why

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