On one of the adult websites I visited I reported a user who should've been obviously underage. When I submitted the ticket, I received sarcasm & contempt to do anything. It's like they don't know they're risking their website to get at me for doing what I'm supposed to do, which is supposed to save their website. Instead of doing anything to save themselves, they go on about how I don't have proof (apparently the absence of an ID isn't good enough), even when the obvious conduct of the underage user should've given it away, which they dismissed it as him not having English as his native language, even though he lives in an English speaking country. I doubt they're even gonna ask him for his ID, which is supposed to be necessary for these kinds of investigations that they're unwilling to do. XTube does it; why won't the clowns I dealt with do it?
Just in case the website is hosted internationally or something, how would I report this harboring of underage users to the authorities? Answers based on hypothetical definites are valued, and pragmatic ambiguity aren't. I'm assuming that if they're from another country, CP & whatnot may be illegal there too.
In short, how do I report this misconduct to the authorities? If you're gonna suggest something ambiguous, at least give me advice for finding the right authorities to report this to. I wish to report them anonymously.