hi i need advice my car was seized by the police on Friday the 23rd of July 2010 i was giving two friends a lift to a scrapyard after they flagged me down they had some scrap cooper wire that my friend wanted to cash in the police stopped us in the wishaw lanarkshire after saying that we were seen on cctv putting the wire in my boot out side of my friends house my car was seized i was detained in the cells for five hours then released without any charges after my two friends stated that i had nothing to do with the cooper wire and they just asked for a lift and that i had no knowledge of the origins of the scrap metal which turned out to be stolen they were both charged with theft i have never been in trouble with the police in my life not as much as a parking ticket all my car documents were up to date mot ,tax ,insurance i went to the local car pound to retrieve my car on monday the 26th and i was told that the car had not been released and there was a charge of £150 on it i explained that i am disabled and i need the car for every day use i am affectedly house bound with no car and on benefits and cant raise the £150 plus storage fees of £12 per day i am at my wits end the police have two statements proving that i had nothing to do with the copper wire i need my car back please help