1. Why did he allow me to walk through the mall in handcuffs and people were looking.
That's how they do it, they aren't going to take a longer route or go around just so you can stay hidden.
2. Why did he let my friend go and we were wearing the same pants.
Could be a few reasons, you'd have to talk to them or your friend.
3. Why did he lock me in a cell in handcuffs at the mall for 45 min and 1hr at the station.
Security detained you while waiting for the Police, processing takes time.
4. Why did i spend 2hr and 45 min in handcuffs?
You comitted a crime.
5. Why did he have me wait at the mall for a caged car to arrive. Why did he want me transported in a caged car?
Im only a kid and the cage is very unconfortable and hurt more?
Most police departments will only transport arrestees in a caged car, this is for the protection of them and you. The cage isn't supposed to be comfortable.
6. Why wasnt i handcuffed togo home but had to sit in the backseat behind he cage?
When you were handcuffed you were under arrest. After they processed you and put you back in the car they were just giving you a ride home, you were no longer under arrest so there was no need to restrain you.
7. Why did he leave he sliding window on the cage closed?
Most likely his preference.
8. Why did they treat a kid like this? Why did they cause tight legroom for
Me and tight handcuffs?
This is how they treat everyone, it's not suppsoed to be comfortable.
9. Does my adidas skinny soccer pants have nasty germs from being in the back of police car and holding cell?
The police car gets cleaned, and germs don't live forever outside the body. Wash them and they'll be fine.
10. Why did they want me in handcuffs and holding cell to scare me?
They did it because that's what their policy says to do.
11. Why people were looking at me sitting in back of the police car?
People are nosy.
If you need additional assistance or have any other questions, feel free to email me. josh.evans57@yahoo.com