2012-10-24 19:30:04 UTC
I put my car on cruise at 68 mph and the speed limit was 65, didn't care if cars were passing me, i had seen so many cars pulled over and i was not going to be one of them. I am not the best with directions and had not traveled to Kennesaw and back home before. Therefore, i was using a gps.
Suddenly the highway branched off into three different ways. So i took my car off cruise because i knew i was going to have to switch lanes which may have required slowing down or slightly speeding up. My gps was not being clear about which way to go, i tried my best to follow the arrow on the gps just to realize i went the wrong way, which is frustrating when you are dealing with highways.. .I started to panic because i needed to be home.. its not like me to be out past curfew. So now, i do not know what road i am on and my car was not on cruise like before so i had control over speed now. Right when i got on this wrong highway, speed limit fell to 55 mph but i didn't notice because i was panicking as well as trying to see which way my gps now told me to go. However just as i was doing this, i forgot my foot was on the gas and i nearly reached 80, immediately noticed and slowed my butt down instantly! I was barely going 80 for about maybe two seconds, right when my speedometer touched 80 i braked. But...a cop had radared me from a distance, i think he used the word lazor? So of course, he was your typical cop. Rude and not understanding. I was crying and was shaking, was very remorseful and tried to explain why i was sped up like that but instead he just made sarcastic, nasty remarks. So if I panicked, thought the speed limit was 65 still, barely went 80 and immediately breaked, i obviously wasn't trying to speed. If i was AWARE that the speed limit was 55 and slowed down when i hit 80, thats just expected.
I have never had a ticket before, never had an MIP, DUI, or anything. Not even a detention, saturday school, or any type of trouble in school. Good student. I make A's and B's. I play for my school's tennis team. I come from a good family who have always been there to guide me. I rarely ever miss school.
So now it is what it is. I have a super speeding ticket for going 80 in a 55. As well as a ticket for being out past curfew. I am getting a lawyer, and i am completing 40 hours of community service and will be attending defensive driving classes BEFORE my court date. i really hope the judge realizes i was simply confused, lost and i panicked. When i had to call my cousin to come pick me up, I didn't know where i was and had to have to cop get on the phone and tell her.
Hoping to at least reduce my speed and avoid getting my license suspended for it is my first offense. And hopefully the judge will at least somewhat understand, however i do not expect the judge to. Just hopefully they have a heart. Im a good kid and i had no intentions of speeding considering I tried to hard to slow down. If your reading this are beginning to write " you were going 25 over! you deserve your license being suspended!" Everyone makes mistakes and i will definitely study any long routes before i get on the road. I was not trying to speed, for christs sake i had my car on cruise at the speed limit for the whole ride..until then of course.
So, any advice or predictions as of what will happen in court?