asked to pay a penalty fine on train why?
2007-09-26 01:54:53 UTC
so i arrived at charing cross yesterday after running for a train at my station i queued up to get a ticket for people who dont have a fair and a guy came up to me in the queue and was like wahts the problem, i said i want to buy a ticket he said i have to offer you a fine for not having a ticket!, i was in shock...
nywys long story short
i gave him half of my name (my name is double barrelled), my old house address the wrong year for my date of birth
i paid 3.00 for the ticket so i "owe" £17.00
from the 20 fine!
the strange thing is, the lady in front of me in the queue had did the same thing but he penatly fined ME
he also wrote down my card number cos i didnt have any cash to pay and i wanted to get cash outta the machine but then he said "NO" and i will have to call the police that you are un willing to pay, when i have a card in my hand!
i tried to be homeless, ignorant, rude, crying didnt work
he even called up to varify
can they find me, n the worst that can happen
25 answers:
2007-09-26 02:05:32 UTC
I think you have been scammed. Did he show any identification?

If I were you I would report this to British Transport Police right now, as;

a) They do not do on the spot fines

b) he has no right to either your card details or your phone number

c) You cannot fine someone for queuing up to buy a ticket

This guy sounds like an opportunist thief who has ripped you off.

Report it now, send no money, and check your bank account!
Kevan M
2007-09-26 02:23:54 UTC
The worse thing that can happen is the fine is increased to a maximum of £2000 plus court fees. Travelling on a train means you have to have a ticket before you travel, or a Permission to travel ticket which must be redeemed within two hours of starting your journey. If a station has at least one method of purchasing a ticket or permit then you may well be Penalty Fared by an authorised ticket inspector, conductor, train manager. Failure to give a correct name and address to an authorised employee of the railway is also a bye law offence and can lead up to an arrest by an Inspector or Police Officer (county, city or railway), if held by any other force than the Railway Police you will be held until a Railway Officer is availiable.

We have a news sheet that comes out from Prosecutions every month and sows the statistics of how many people are taken to court over a few pounds worth of fare evasion or failure to pay and it is amusing to see some of the transcripts of their defence compared to the inital reports of the conversation given at the time of Penalty Issue most come away with an average of about £500 fine, the most I have seen has been in the high £20,000 bracket but that was an exceptional fraud case.

As for the incorrect address given, considering they took your card number, they can trace your address through that.

Often especially at the terminus points, the Inspectors will work the back of the que down at the Excess Fares windows whilst the clerk inside deals with the forward part of the que, dont worry everyone who would have come from a station that has a ticket buying ability and is within the Penalty Fare Zone (The whole of the South East bar a few stations) would have been charged a Penalty Fare, unless they had a good reason (i.e. an excess fare).

The moral of the story. Get a ticket next time!!
2007-09-26 02:09:24 UTC
I would never have given over my card number ever! and there shouldn't had been any problem with you taking cash out i would check with your bank NOW beacuse it sounds like a typical scam if he wants to phone the police then fine let them sort it all out you can't go to prision for something you didn't do let the lawyers sort it out the man has no right to detain you he isn't a police officer i fear that asking for your date of birth name and card number is a scam usally the man just sticks ur card into a hand held machine and takes the fine that way best of luck and phone your bank now!
2007-09-26 02:12:52 UTC
You should have insisted that they call the police. You were standing in line to pay so were not refusing. You weren't the only one there was a huge queue outside that booth at Charing Cross yesterday.

It happened to me as the ticket office at my station was closed and the machine outside wasn't working. At Charing Cross they said I had to pay a penalty fare as I had boarded the train without paying. I explained that the reason I didn't pay was not my fault and I was trying to pay at my destination. When he kept insisting on a penalty I said that the penalty was for people who refused to pay. If he thought I was refusing Then call the police and arrest me I would then go to court.

He backed down eventually, but got stroppy again when I said I was not going to pay him in cash for the ticket but by my credit card. (I wonder why?)

If it happens again insist on the Police being called.
2007-09-26 02:12:20 UTC
Assuming you're telling the truth, was this character in uniform? Did he show you ID?

I see no reason for anyone to approach you in a queue waiting to pay, I strongly suspect you're the victim of a con artist. Get onto your bank straight away and cancel your card. Then contact British Transport Police, they may be able to identify this character from CCTV.
Deb S
2007-09-26 02:17:19 UTC
I work in the Train industry as a Booking Office Clerk and as for them giving you a Penalty Fare .... yes they were in the right to issue you with it, and also they do have a way of finding out your full name and address, as you gave them your card details... people may think they are clever trying to bunk the train fare but if anything happened on the train like an accident people without tickets are not insured to claim any compensation back, so if the train derailed and you was stuck on there with a broken leg and could not work for six months then you would not be able to claim from the Rail Service.
2007-09-28 15:16:26 UTC
You don't give card info to nobody.Get on to the bank and have

it changed.You can also go to the transport police to report it.

They can check it and the cctv in the station.Picked you because picking elderly in public place draws more attention.
2007-09-26 02:14:08 UTC
They trace your through your card and claim £17.00.

You refuse to pay and they take you to Court.

Your defence is that the train operating company has failed to provide adequate ticketing facilities to allow you to comply with the conditions of carriage, that their penalty fare scheme is applied in an arbitrary manner and that you have been discriminated against because of your age. You also counterclaim £100 damages for the treatment you have received and the dehumanising effects of having to travel on filthy overcrowded trains.
2007-09-26 02:14:31 UTC
You got scammed,

did you ask for ID why not let him bring the cops there I bet if you told him go ahead he would have propped the subject very quickly.

I lived in and visited Russia a lot of times and this is a huge scam there. They ask to see your passport and then they tell you something isnt right with you visa and that you have to pay a fine. The key to stopping it is telling them to go to the station and you will pay it. They tend to forget your visa mistake at that point.

The worst part is that a lot of times it is the real police trying to scam you there
2007-09-26 02:12:53 UTC
Was this guy in a railway uniform? did he offer to show you ID.

did you exchange address with the other lady.

If i was the judge i would send you to the colonies, Aus i think.

contact your bank and tell them just to play safe and dont worry all of us on Y/Answers will do that for you.

take care be good and ask for ID.
2007-09-26 02:14:32 UTC
Oh you poor thing. This idea you've been scammed is really worrying. Don't blame yourself, they are convincing little *uckers! Cancel your card hun. Hope you get it sorted. And ignore the idiots ranting on about jail terms. I really don't think they can find any room in our jails for such petty things. People give false names all the time. My friend did it 10 yrs ago and as far as i know, she's not banged up! Good luck!
2007-09-26 02:08:55 UTC
I agree with the other persons reply , check your bank details today , you were probably scamed . No one has the right to take money from you , you can give your name and address and they will send a bill to your house . Check your bank NOW .

btw , i am not insecure , i just wanted peoples opinions
2007-09-26 02:03:29 UTC
The only one able to do this is an inspecter or railway police.Did he show you his ID card?you have given a complete stranger your cash card details??Check your bank details and cancel the card.He was a scam artist.
2007-09-26 20:19:54 UTC
Civil issue
2007-09-26 02:09:39 UTC
You were clearly queueing to purchase a ticket,it's not as though you were deliberately trying to avoid payment.I don't think that you have anything to worry about.My understanding is that for an offence to have been committed there has to be intent.
2007-09-26 02:16:02 UTC
You should get in touch with TFL and tell them what happened, they'll verify if this was genuine or not. It sounds pretty dodgy though.
2007-09-26 02:05:59 UTC
I'm with Jed Slade
2007-09-26 02:14:52 UTC
He has your card number and they will find you! Believe me these people are like pit bulls and do not give up.
2007-09-26 11:07:13 UTC
You are obviously an irresponsible person and deserve to be taught a lesson.
2007-09-26 02:06:08 UTC
Dint worry its not twenty years anymore,its reduced to ten years now and time off for bad behaviour
Alan S
2007-09-26 02:05:22 UTC
You been scammed man, Was he Nigerian, they been pushed out the Prostitution racket by Romanians so they got a new scam going.

Break his Jaw next time.
It's me :)
2007-09-26 02:05:56 UTC
I heard a rumour they are bringing back the death penalty 4 this
2007-09-26 02:29:34 UTC
You should have dropped him. Isn`t London a nice place? NOT!
criminal convictions
2007-09-26 01:59:55 UTC
20 years in jail

They're cracking down on fare dodgers such as yourself
2007-09-26 02:57:21 UTC
thats weird....really strange.

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