2008-03-21 21:32:47 UTC
Hello psdiver (psdiver)
You have posted content to Yahoo! Canada Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Canada Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of the rules.
Question: Are my classes fine for Law Enforcement?
Question Details: My next year’s classes are going to be, 1, English (C) 2, Mathematics (C) 3, Religion 4, Civics& Careers 5, French (I am French but I want to Master it LOL) OR Biology??? 6, Law 7, Co-op (2 Credits with Local Police Department) 8, Co-op Afternoon Co-op. Mon-Fri Just want to make sure if this is fine for Law Enforcement. Is there anything I Should Change? HEY T! Just want to make sure with you if this is ok, if there is anything you have in mind about it tell me I did not confirm it yet. I told my counselor, I must ask you before anything. PS: I must do Civics& Careers Since I have been dropped last Semester for taking Science. And I don’t think I need gym class since I go to the gym every day.
Deleted Answer: A cours en francaise?? Non, biologique!! Cours de Religion?? Pourquai?? Cest non neccessaire!! T.
Violation Reason:Not in Correct Language
Correct me if I'm wrong but when did FRENCH not become one of the 2 OFFICIAL LANGUAGES OF CANADA???
And even your email address CA-answers-abuse proves that this site is in CANADA!!!!