Of all the countries in the world, ONLY the USA allows this kind of quasi legal type of work .
It goes back to the 1860's when the wild west was really WILD.
In the modern era, bounty hunters fall into two groups. The first group work directly for bail bonds companies, to trace and capture "bail skips " who have not appeared for their court date. The bail bond company stands to lose the bail money if the skip is not found and taken back to jail, to be seen in court later. This what Dog does.
The second type of bounty hunter does a much more dangerous type of recovery, as they are going after "wanted criminals " that have a reward offered for their capture, usually by a state or the Federal Government. To do this requires courage and better than average investigative skills, plus the balls to kick down doors and risk being killed while doing it .
So who does this kind of work in the USA ? Ex-military , ex Police, and risk takers of all kinds. It requires a backer with a good deal of money, to finance the operation, and provide the needed vehicles, equipment and cash to be able to pay the operatives to do the work.
The most important part of the team will be the person who does the tracing, to find the current location of the "wanted person ". Remember that bounty hunters in this field are competing with law enforcement agencies, who have more resources and manpower. The private bounty hunters have to get there first, to claim the money for the reward.
The US Federal laws allow the bounty hunters, who are working a reward case to do many things that in other countries would be strictly illegal, such as breaking into a house without a warrant, and arresting the wanted person. They are also allowed to take the person across state lines to get them to the place where the reward is being offered. They operate with very little oversight and control, and in many cases, they act illegally and get caught doing so.
My advice is to do some more research in your home state, by looking up bailbonds men in the phone book and calling to ask them about the business of reward bounty hunting, and who they know that does it , in that state.
With the huge numbers of "wanted persons " in the USA, this is a growth industry, but one that can get you killed, as easy as anything.
Jim B. Toronto. Ontario. Canada.