You've got a number of options available to you - but what's your time frame, and what kind of an area do you live in??? Some things to consider.....
1. You want something that will be effective at a distance - not close-up. That eliminates a bat, knife, club or similar things. Distance is your friend.
2. Don't plan on just calling 911. Response times, depending on where you live and other active calls, can be on the order of 3-4 minutes to an hour - and that's based on my own personal experience in the business.
3. Check w/ the local PD (crime prevention specialists). They can suggest things to help reduce your chances of being broken into - good locks, outdoor lighting, trimming of shrubs, etc.... A good alarm system can help, but is not a single solution.
4. I'd recommend NOT posting signs saying "protected by S&W" or similar things. Most people who post those types of signs do NOT have the weapons available - or it may be a magnet to someone who is looking for firearms.
5. Pepper spray is better than mace in my opnion. Get a good-size can of it for use in your house - not one of the little 2-inch long purse-sized canisters. They have a range of 15 ft or so, so (again) you can use it at a distance. It takes a little practice in learning how to use them well.
6. There's nothing wrong with guns - think of them as a tool designed to do a particular job - and that is "STOPPING THE THREAT." Of course, you need to be fully prepared and trained if you're willing to go that route. Look for (and take) NRA personal protection classes if offered in your area. Your local PD may advise against it - but that's their choice (or maybe their mindset). Law enforcement is under NO obligation to protect individuals - only society at large. If you go this way, then train and practice, train and practice, train and practice. Your safety HAS to be YOUR #1 concern. Learn the laws.
7. The portable tasers are, in my opnion, not much help. If you're looking at the ones that require you to hold it against the attacker, you're now too close. Also, since you're only going to be able to push it against his arms or face, all you're going to do is piss him off. The tasers that shoot the darts are much better, as they can be used at distances of 15-20 ft. But again, you need to be trained to understand how they work. Again, distance is your friend.
8. Martial arts are OK. Learn the street fighting techniques (pentjak silat, krav maga, etc...) as opposed to judo, karate and similar arts. Remember, you're in a fight for your (and your children's) life. There are no unfair moves in survival fighting - just using economical moves. Using this should be your last option - because distance is your friend. Get the picture?
9. Dogs are good to have - some of the smaller ones are ok if they're trained right, as they can be a hell of an annoyance to a BG - enough that he'll want to leave. Post "beware of dogs" signs around your property and leave LARGE water and food dishes out - and clean them out periodically. The BG won't know if you do/don't have dogs (and their sizes).
10, Lastly, change your mindset. Don't go through life saying "I'm afraid of xxxx" or "I don't like yyy" or "zzzz scares me" or "someone will laugh at me." Develop a survival mindset and go through life knowing you can and will survive any attack on you, your children or your property. Otherwise, you're setting yourself up to be a victim. Not good!
Good luck,
Calif Deputy