Is there ANYONE out there trying to enforce the law when it comes to online fraud?
2006-05-23 17:24:00 UTC
Some guy tried to scam me on Craigslist. Sell me a car using a bogus escrow company. You know the scam. Saw the scam immedietly, didn't lose anything, but you'd think someone would want to put the guy in jail.

Local police aren't interested. FTC apparently doesn't even bother calling back on crimes less that 50K? Is this the perfect crime or is there ANYONE out there who wants to shut these scam artists down?
Five answers:
craig newmark
2006-05-23 20:07:34 UTC
We're fighting these guys, have shut a few down, but big dave's right, they're often overseas, and the Secret Service has their hands full.

Please send reports to, but if you want, send 'em to me.

2006-05-23 17:27:29 UTC
It is generally hard to fight this kind of activity since it often occurs over seas, in multiple countries, where laws make it difficult or impossible to track who is responsible.

That said, the bigger problem is our government (I'm assuming you are a U.S. citizen). Consider this:

I'm a senator. I can spend billions of dollars stopping online scans and fraud, or... steal the money through bogus projects and comitties, and kill hookers.

Guess which one we are doing?
2006-05-23 18:07:33 UTC
Officially, no, there are no government agencies wanting to take it on. Look for private companies to start up with 'old west style' justice
Alex the Anachronistic
2006-05-23 17:26:39 UTC
Sorry about the scammer. And I wish I could do something about it, but neither I nor you really can. It's the internet. What is there to do?
2006-05-23 17:25:56 UTC
well i can tell you that u can report it to, and there is another company im not for sure, but there really isnt anything u can do bout it, i know it sux

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