A week ago I got chased by a car- last night a car got on my ass again so i started going faster and it stayed on my ass so over 10 min I went from 55 to 75 I realized it was a cop when he put his lights on. I told him the reason i sped up was cuz i was TERRIFIED that I was being followed again plus these guys across the street have been harassing me so it couldve been them-the cop was literally 3 feet from my bumper for 10 min.He gave me a break (after giving me a sobriety test) by writing me a ticket for 60/50 instead of 75. He said that even w/my story he clocked me at 70mph before he came up to me which is BS cuz i remember looking at how close he was then looking at my spedometer and thinking "im going 55/50 what do you wnat from me?" im thinking of fighting cuz he was tailgaiting for a while which is ILLEGAL+it seems like he was trying to get me to speed/ waiting for me to go fast enough to write me a big ticket.Im pissed cuz i dont wanna pay 130 when i only sped cuz i was scared