Kelly W
2014-03-04 17:58:19 UTC
Although I had had only three or four 5 oz. glasses of wine over a seven hour time span, I ended up being arrested for DUI. While I was doing field sobriety tests (the walking portion I told the officer - emphatically - that I could not do, as I have an extremely painful Morton's Neuroma in my right foot), my friend asked an officer from the neighboring township why I was pulled over, as I was driving perfectly. The officer stated to my friend that HIS township had called the license number in and found the car's registration to be expired.
The officer that arrested me, in neither his incident report, nor his statement of Probable Cause, made any mention of the tip he had received from the neighboring township. I asked my lawyer to request the county dispatch records to determine just when the license was called in. My lawyer neglected to request a good twenty minutes prior to the arresting officer's records with county dispatch, but the print out we have received shows CLEARLY that the first license number the arresting officer called in was NOT the license of my friend's car that I was driving!!!
The records also show that his IMMEDIATE back-up call was NOT to the township he works for, or that I was pulled over in, but to two officers of the neighboring township.
The arresting officer's incident report and probable cause statement then contains line after line, statement after statement,of lies, that will, no doubt, seal my fate of conviction of a DUI.
This is much much much more serious that I am even putting here, so I would please please be grateful for any information and advise regarding this travesty of justice.