ok so I was driving on the interstate last night in my brand new SSC Ultimate Aero that I got for my birthday. The road runs completely through the middle of nowhere. there was no one on the road except for a stupid cop that just happened to be sitting there and pulled me over. He said that I was going 229 mph in a 80 mph zone. He wrote me a $220,000 ticket. BS. But wait theres more. He also arrested me and impounded my beautiful SSC Ultimate Aero. I had to pay a $330,000 bail and another $135,000 just to get my vehicle back. And I had to pay like another $450,000 fine to the community for endangerment. Like WTF. Like I said earlier, there was no one on the road, and I was driving only a tiny bit over the speed limit. But yet, Im receiving all these fines and charges for nothing. Help, what should I do?