or thwe national crime faculty?I and others witness daily corrupt practices by these people so long as drugs stay in working class/underclass areas but as soon as illicit drugs are reported in surburbia there is a polite knock at the door and then the heavy brigade are charging down doors in inner city areas and arresting the usual Jeremy Kyle type simpletons.Ever notice that when a drug user sadly dies and is from a middle class background,the national media pick up on it and give extensive coverage in the press and tv, take for example the tragic death of the first ectasy overdose Leah Betts.whose father was a policeman,yet in the last 3 month I know personally of 3 people who have died locally in 'sink estates'and have recieved 2 lines in the local newspaper,no arrests are made because the 'dealers'are known police informants for the regional crime unit!Most drugs in our towns and city's are in effect brought into the country by customs in collusion with the National crime unit.