First of all, if have to check with your state to see if they allow bounty hunters. Some states do not. It is considered illegal. They are usually hired by a bondsman and you use your own money to go on an assignment. see below.
check your state on this site:
A bounty hunter is a person or a corporation which locates and captures or assists in capturing fugitives for a monetary reward or bounty. Bounty hunters offer their services to the bail industry. Usually, a bounty hunter is hired by a bail bond company.
There are freelance bounty hunters as well as bounty hunters employed by bail bondsmen. Bondsmen post their skips along with his/her information in the fugitive websites, where bounty hunters can view the wanted fugitive and the offered reward.
Bounty hunters invest in the search with their own money and resources hoping to locate and capture the fugitive so that they can collect their bounty. A bounty hunter is also known as bail enforcement agent, fugitive recovery agent, bail fugitive investigator, bail agent, fugitive recovery officer, or bail fugitive recovery specialist.
Bounty Hunter Requirements
Bounty Hunting can be a dangerous profession, so it should be no surprise that there are several requirements to become a bounty hunter. There are only a few legal requirements (and in some states there are no legal requirements whatsoever) such as a bounty-hunting license. The bounty-hunting license usually requires a certain amount of formal training and passing a written test. It is recommended that you obtain formal education such as a criminal justice degree, firearm training, and some related experience such as police work or an internship with a bounty hunter. The bounty hunter requirements vary from state to state.
n addition to the legal requirements, there are a few common sense elements that are necessary for keeping safe. First, bounty hunters need to be physically fit in order to apprehend their bounties. Second, bounty hunters should be well equipped with self-defense equipment. Private investigator Bill Hunt suggests that every bounty hunter (or anyone in law enforcement for that matter) should have both a can of Mace and a Taser; it is also advisable to carry a firearm if you have the proper legal authority to do so. Also, a good, safe, and inconspicuous vehicle is necessary for a bounty hunter, so that they can move around without arousing suspicion.
Lastly, most bounty hunters work independently out of their own offices. There are bounty hunters that work for bail agencies but most bounty hunters are independent contractors and because of this it would be advisable to have business skills in order to manage an office. This includes marketing knowledge, networking (a bail agency won't hire you unless they know who you are and trust you), and office management if you begin to hire other bounty hunters.
There are some states where bounty hunting is not legal. Some states also have special rules about what a bounty hunter can and cannot do such as use a firearm.
States where bounty hunting is illegal
District of Columbia
North Carolina
South Carolina
read both sites below. This may not be very lucrative. Perhaps law enforcement would be better...unless you are financilly secure.