How can I go about finding out whether or not my boyfriend still needs to go turn hiself in or not?
2006-05-23 10:09:51 UTC
When he was younger he broke an entry and got caught he did his time and all, but while on probation he forged a signature stating that he was somewhere else and not at school. Well the school told him that he was on jail tollerance and that he would go back and this time do a year. Ever since that day he hasn't gone to school or hasn't use or done anything with his SS#. Now that he needs to, he doesn't know whether or not they'll come looking for him. So how can I go about looking into this?
Eight answers:
2006-05-23 10:15:49 UTC
Seek some legal advice. You may not find what you are looking for on YahooAnswers. Too many a*ssholes giving stupid or racist advice. Good Luck.
2006-05-23 10:31:34 UTC
You can go on line with the social and find out if there is a warrant out for him.Its not like he's Dennis Rader.Then armed with this knowledge seek the advice of an attorney.Only if necessary might be able to resolve this without the police or jail time.Was he a minor and what is his age now.All these things make a difference.
2006-05-23 10:41:50 UTC
When I was an apt. manager here in FL, we were able to call the sheriff and tell them we wanted to do a check on a person. we had to give them the date of birth and social security # of the person. Sometimes we had to provide a previous address. Maybe this will work for you. Technically that info is public record. I also believe, YOU could go to the courthouse and chek on him yourself as the info is public info. Hope this helps.
2006-05-23 10:16:17 UTC
Call the boys in blue.....Umm what is wrong w/ his fingers that he can't find out. Youre sitting here pulling out your hair for this fool...Would he do the same for you?? You think so? Explain how you know this when he can't handle his own business........Think about it
2006-05-23 10:13:09 UTC
Call the police department and ask if there is a warrant for him.
2006-05-23 10:13:14 UTC
Go to your nearest Police Department and tell them your story and they will be glad to help you.
Scotty Doesnt Know
2006-05-23 10:11:13 UTC
He should contact his public defender and find out.
2006-05-23 10:12:57 UTC
holy crap what the heck are you scarfaces?

are you black?

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