2008-05-14 22:20:24 UTC
How do people get caught, let's say they use a p2p program (like limewire)? Is it possible to catch someone downloading it or can you only detect the person sharing the file? IOW is the DLer anonymous or can they be detected? What is the procedure police use (how do they detect people)? Do they go after the sharers or the DLers? or both? Can the police detect you if you DL it from a normal website?
Also something we argued about...let's say you purchase legal porn but the models look underage (for ex., Kitty, the over-20 porn actress that looks like she's underage). I say there's no way to prove it is actually legal porn, although you might be able the "tell" by its production quality. Do you think if police found this kind of porn they'd not know the difference?
Please, no preaching. I just want the answer to this, it's a technical question not a moral.