Wow so many answers!!!! And most all of them are answers full of shìt.
Old playwith said "The whole thing about the police is that they can ask you anything they want."
Yeah sure they can but it don't mean you have to answer or show crap.
Then blockhead said, "Some things you really should do, though. If you were driving, for example, and you did't want to show proof that you're eligible to drive, you really should be removed from the road. Driving isn't a right. It's a privilege."
First he wasn't driving and second "I" maintain it is my right to drive. I'll do so in any way I like, buck naked with a fifth on the dash. They can choose to stop and question me, I can choose to not answer and bust him upside his fat pig face.
Brucy the fruity said, "A cop can always ask, that is considered a consensual encounter."
Consensual? Who consented and how?
Dick the friutwad also said, "Telling you to show ID is not consensual, that is considered a temporary seizure, so it is covered by the Fourth Amendment and is the same in every state."
Gee Mr. fruitty what is it you two faced basturd? Consenual by asking or not consensual by "TELLING you to show? You can't have both ways....wait your a law dog you can have or make it anyway you want to fit your needs for protection from violating department rules, make an arrest, efend yourself and or take violent action against somebody that just asks "WHY?"
That said you from your profile are in oklahomo, you ain't got to do half what others are forced to do or accept.
What all do I need for a New State License?
Do I have to show my ID to police?
Border Patrol agents reads the Miranda rights to a Mexican national arrested for transporting drugs.Citizen-police encounters often begin with an officer asking for identification. People generally provide this information without questioning the legitimacy of the request. In circumstances where a citizen does question the officer, a typical response is generally, “because I’m a police officer,” or “because I said so.”
But what if the officer is wrong? What if he is not entitled to your identification?
Two things will generally determine if the officer is legally entitled to know who you are. First, do you live in a compulsory identification state? If so, then you must provide your identification upon request. Currently there are approximately 24 states that have so-called “stop and identify” laws that require citizens to provide their identification when asked by police.
Oklahoma is not a “stop and identify” state. In other words, you are not required to reveal your identity to anyone– including a police officer– merely to satisfy their curiosity.
This does not mean that the police will not arrest you; some less professional or untrained officers will view the assertion of your constitutional rights as a challenge to their authority and decide to arrest you anyway. If this happens, you have a valid claim against the officer for violating your rights as secured by the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Read that fagfruit ... a temporary seizure, so it is covered by the Fourth Amendment flipping *** it is.....