what is the penalty for class A mistermeaner?
2006-05-25 18:25:07 UTC
what is the penalty for class A mistermeaner?
Ten answers:
2006-05-25 18:29:19 UTC
What state are you located in? Could be probation for a while. Up to 28 days in a county jail... or fine of up to $5000. Note, going to jail is very rare and highely improbable.. dont worry you might just get probation or fined/
2015-08-08 22:55:21 UTC
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what is the penalty for class A mistermeaner?
2006-05-25 18:36:10 UTC
Well I'm going to court right now for the same tang class A mister meaner and you COULD get 364 days county jail probation 1 year or court supervision 1 year and with community service but if its your first offense you will not get jail time just play hard ball with them because you couldn't did nothing big so don't let them scare you keep your head up man
2006-05-25 18:32:18 UTC
The definition of a misdemeanor is a crime for which you can spend time in jail (as opposed to State Prison). Usually the maximum sentence for jail is 365 days.
2006-05-25 18:47:36 UTC
I dont get the "Class A" part, but if you are charged with a misdemetor than you can suffer prision time less than 12 mounths and/or a fine of $1000 or less.
2016-11-07 05:45:19 UTC
James B
2006-05-25 18:29:29 UTC
Class A Mister Meaners are usually not penalized, it is the class F Mister Meaners that get clocked -- the same is true also of Miss and Mrs. Meaners.
2006-05-25 18:26:54 UTC
The punishment is going to spelling school. It's spelled misdemeanor.

I think its a maximum of 12 months jail time.
2016-03-18 18:21:36 UTC
You would think that Mister Meaner is the black sheep of his family but you'd be wrong. His brother, Mister Minor, is the one who's always getting in trouble. This is much to the chagrin of their father, Major Major.
2006-05-25 21:10:43 UTC
depends usually around a year in jail and up to a 5 grand fine

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