Henry Louis Gates arrested for going into his own home .Why?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Henry Louis Gates arrested for going into his own home .Why?
Fifteen answers:
2009-07-21 22:59:37 UTC
The women that called it in was racist. The police however were doing their job. They were under the impression someone had broken in to the home. Mr. Gates at first refused to show any identification showing the address as his residence.
2009-07-21 22:59:00 UTC
That was SO crazy. What cop thought a he was a threat? He's like 60 years old, 5 foot 7, and walks with a cane. Apparently he produced his id and the guy still gave him grief!
2009-07-21 22:57:38 UTC
Because you don't give the cops a hard time no matter what color you are.

It's really easy to just have to understand that when a cop addresses you that he's representing the law. It doesn't have to become a personal issue of who can piss further. If you start riding him , he's going to follow his training and instruct you to stand down. If you don't , he's going to escalate until you do. It's his job to do this and is what's expected of him.
2009-07-23 07:55:37 UTC
He was not cooperating w/ the police & was arrested for disorderly conduct.

The police judge him by the content of his character & found him lacking.

He'll be down at the Karaoke Bar this weekend singing "Poor, Poor Pitiful Me.
2009-07-22 20:34:09 UTC
instead of defending the police b/c you're tired of hearing about the racism going on put yourself in the situation. he shouldnt have even been asked for id at all. ive had to climb through a window when locked out i would be hihly offended if police asked me for id but i guess it was suprising that gates stayed in that neighborhood. After id was shown they shoul've apologized and understood his anger. abuse of power! stop acting as if racism is over. stop acting as if all policers are good people. there people like you and i. they dont even need to have a degree to be a police officer. so take the racist guys off a pedal stool. they didn't do their job they made emotional judgements!
2009-07-22 19:14:06 UTC
Gates is an opportunity racist and that’s all! He is a disgrace to black people. Any normal person would have been thankful (a) that someone called seeing two men breaking into a house and (b) any normal person would have laughed and gladly showed the police their ID, but not an opportunity seeking racist. An opportunity seeking racist would be belligerent, accusatory and additionally cause some kind of scene to be arrested for and then scream Racism! Racism! Racism!

Gates is further evidence that Harvard is nothing as far as a quality school goes all it is, is a Politically Correct sanctuary! There was a day when a person like Gates would have been fired for his behavior, being an antagonistic, belligerent, and racist person; however Harvard lacking in integrity immediately will run to his side and support him.

Gates is not a scholar! Gates is not a gentleman! Gates is not a person of integrity! Gates is an attention seeking racist! That’s all.
2009-07-22 00:03:58 UTC
Whitey was gonna show him who the boss was.
2009-07-21 23:09:00 UTC
There was nothing racist about it. The woman saw him forcing a door into a home open, she did not know it was his and that it was just really stuck. She called the police to inform them that it appeared someone was breaking into a home, she gave a general description saying that the man was black. The police went by to check it out and when they got there Mr. Gates who fit the description of the man the woman saw was at the home. Upon being asked for identification to verify it was in fact his home he became indignant and disorderly.

He had an issue with having to prove that he lived there and decided to pretty much be a pain in the butt to the cops. So they arrested him for disorderly conduct.

It didn't matter what color he is, what mattered was the fact that he broke one of the cardinal rules of dealing with the police, don't tick them off.

Personally if I were him I would be glad the cops were coming by to check on a possible break in at my residence even if it was just me having trouble with the door. It would mean the cops were doing their job.
2009-07-21 23:05:51 UTC
Gee. Now Gates has some good stories to tell his classes.

Maybe even get a book deal. Wonder if he'll share profits with the cops.


Of course, if his home had been broken into, then that would have been the cops fault, too... Because they don't care about the homes of black people.

Cynthia Mckinney knows how to work that game.

Bet she won't play it in front of a video camera again.
2009-07-21 22:58:51 UTC
Charges dropped.
2009-07-22 02:43:23 UTC
Instead of being cooperative with the police who were trying to protect his own property on a tip from a neighbour who seen Gates breaking in the door of his own home, Gates chose to treat the white officers with distain.

If the officers were black there would be no problem at all, but because they were white Gates resisted, and was arrested. You'd think Gates should be charged with a hate crime because of his treatment toward white officers.

The war on White folk has begun on a large scale with poverty & tyranny as a result. First were Obama’s comments about, “his animosity towards his mother’s white race,” then his association with Louis Farrakhan who calls white folk “devils,” then his longtime anti-white pastor Jeremiah Write and now his racist anti-white Supreme Court nominee. Do we see a pattern here?

The nation created and founded by White settlers became such a success that all others flooded her, diluted her and now mere shadows of her former beauty remain hidden away in pockets of faded glory.

Leftists often believe America’s greatest asset was her wealth and continue to loot it with the same socialist and communist doctrine we fled from to create America in the first place. The fact is America is great because of the liberty-based society created by those rich, White, men we call our Founding Fathers.

American Indians’ animosity toward White folk started upon our first boat landing; when that the entire first colony was massacred by the Indians who had not yet invented the wheel. Subsequent history proves that American Indians are not native either, as DNA testing proves conclusively that they descent from the Island of Formosa (Taiwan). Countless archaeological sites of former American Indian sites now prove cannibalism was indeed widespread throughout the Americas. The oldest known bones ever found in North America, were that of Kennewick Man, found along the banks of the Columbia River, the skull was that of a Caucasian, not the Mongoloid skull of Indian descendants from Taiwan.

Black animosity toward White folk is evident in the disproportional, Black-on-White, violent crime rate. White animosity toward Blacks started in Africa upon recognition of their brutal violence, cannibalism and willingness to barter their family members and fellow tribesmen. When Whites ran the farms of Zimbabwe, that country was a food exporter. When the Black activist, Mugabe butchered and/or deported the 7000+ White farmers upon coming to power, the population began to starve and now begs for food aid. –From guess who? (Whites)

Blacks in America are the wealthiest Africans in the history of the world, yet even as a Black man sits in the White House, atop the RNC & NASA, Blacks still complain about racism and demand “special privilege.” -Once the “civil rights” game was played-out, the pendulum kept on swinging. Now in Mississippi’s Black dominated areas, the White vote has been found to be systematically suppressed by the Black majority. It seems equality was the farthest thing from their mind…

Hispanic animosity toward White folk is evident with the large La Raza (The Race) membership and their willingness to march waiving the Mexican flag in the United States. The abhorrent violence in Mexico and the complete willingness of the population there to not only accept it, but to embrace it and to flaunt it offends the sensibilities of Americans and makes White folks in America question how they plan on creating a peaceful society here? -After all, the areas in the US with high Hispanic/Latino populations are infested with gang activity and diseases long cured in America like leprosy.

Upon creating the most prosperous, peaceful, philanthropic and liberty-spreading society the world has ever known, White folks in the US could have sided with Germany in WWII. –Yet America decided to INCLUDE foreigners into our society and within twenty years of the conclusion of the war we did just that by passing the “civil rights” & “voting rights” bills in the US. –But equality was not the goal of minorities as is currently being found out, domination and oppression of White folks is the goal.

The backlash against minority oppression and special privilege is starting to really resonate with the majority. As average Americans witness Obama and the communist (Democrats) loot the national treasury and create social programs for minorities at the expense of the majority who now realize they are little more than “rich white land-owners” to the minority who hope to tax their children of their national inheritance.

If you are tired of political-correctness do something about it, join The Nationalist Movement. Last century ushered in the so-called “Civil Rights” era, but in the end we found out that diversity creates adversity. –And as this century, this millennium begins the era of “majority rights.” Long live majority-rule!

The Nationalist Movement is waiting for you! The Nati
2009-07-23 11:05:54 UTC
I think what we have here is a classic clash of cultural understanding. White people and black people are bound to see this situation from different perspectives. If you are white, you are willing to assume police are doing the right thing and are on your side. If you are black, that has not been your experience in life.

Since none of us, including Obama, were there in the house, we have no way to know whose story is accurate (police or Gates) or if "the truth" lies somewhere in the middle, as it often does.

But I think it's fair to say the police acted stupidly simply based on the fact that a distinguished professor and homeowner ended up getting arrested. Policemen need to have skills in calming down situations and getting to the facts without becoming overly defensive and outraged, even if they think they are right. And if you think this would've gone down the same way if the professor had been white, you and I need to talk.
Methane Madness
2009-07-21 23:12:30 UTC
Please do not get sucked into the racism scam. Henry Louis Gates the Black studies professor at Harvard Univ. came home last night from China; he did not have his key to get into his home. He and his driver were "breaking into" the house to get in. A neighbor, who happens to be black as well thought someone was breaking into Mr. Gates' home, and did the right think by call 911. When the Sgt., a 10yr police veteran with an excellent record showed up; Mr. Gates was in the house, the office, doing his assigned duty, checking up on a home break in, ask Mr Gates for an ID, which he showed to the officer. When the SGT left, Gates all of sudden stormed out of the house and started yelling, and making quite a spectacle spewing the typical rant regarding his race, instead of THANKING the Cambridge police officer for risking his live and protecting his home and property. The office promptly and rightly arrested him for disturbing the peace. Of course it is now a race it always is, and he and his black law professor comrade guessed it Al the race baiter Sharpton have been showing up on all of the LIBERAL medial station playing the race card. What a disgrace.
2009-07-21 23:04:21 UTC
Because the police were called to the residence on a report of a suspect burglary. Nothing racist about doing their job in responding to a call from a concerned citizen.

When the police contacted Gates, he refused to tell them who he was, refused to show a DL (just like a burglar would probably do). Again nothing racist in doing their job.

Gates was eventually arrested after his repeatedly disorderly disruptive behavior. Behavior like that has landed plenty of folks of all skin color in cuffs.

It seems that the only racial profiling that occurred here, was of a white police officer being profiled by an angry black racist.
2009-07-22 21:28:10 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.