As far as this stop goes, I can't really give you any great suggestions to get out of the fines. However, I'll give you some suggestions and resources that "might" be of help to you either now or in the future.
I'll recommend you start listening to the Rule of Law radio program on www_logosradionetwork_com especially the Monday night shows. You may even try calling in between 8 and 10 pm. Central time and ask a question.
You need to learn the laws and the legal tricks before they stop you again. The video below, if you watch it, will explain a lot to you.
Legally, "Driving" is commercial activity use of the public road. "for hire." There's no legal requirement to have a "driver's license" to use your own personal conveyance on the public road. "The Man" will do ALL "he" can to convert you to being "in commerce" either at a stop, or in court to prevent you from getting away with that. Why? Because money is at the root of all sorts of evil.
Using words like "I'm Driving" or "I'm operating a vehicle" is all they need to have to legally prove that you were "driving." (most people go to jail for things they say, just watch an old 'cops' show and you'll see that happen again and again.)
Turning over "driving" documents such as your license, proof of insurance, registration etc. is also the way they legally convert you to being under that "driving" statute as well. If it were to come to a court case, they (the man, judges, prosecutors, police) will do all they can to get into the record those words as well. Finally, the court case will go against you and you'll need to follow through and take it to appeal. If you do everything right, you'll win on appeal and then can sue for malicious prosecution and triple damages.
Listen to the following archived broadcasts on logosradionetwork_com: ROL_2013-02_25, ROL_2014-01-27, ROL_2014_01_06, ROL_2014_03_24, ROL_2012-12-17
read the documents on the 4th paragraph at:
(especially the traffic stop script and the cross examination practice script)
Secrets the police don't want you to know
You should read your state constitution to know your rights, and the statutes to know other things. One doesn't need to be an attorney to represent yourself in court, file lawsuits and win. But it does take time to learn how to do so.
One doesn't legally have to have a license plate, registration etc. But "the man" doesn't want people to know that or get away with it. If you're wanting to dislocate your car from "the state" then that is legally possible. In other words, you're trying to just keep the car parked for a long period of time OR if you feel you have the legal know how to defend yourself when they pull you over for not having a license plate, registration etc. The procedure is described in Archived program: ROL_2014-10-13 found at LogosRadioNetwork_com go to hour 1:21 in the broadcast
As the radio host says: you will remove the title of the car from the jurisdiction of "this state" You'll get the secretary of the state to acknowledge that they have no vested financial interest, claim or title to the property and acknowledge that it will be removed from the jurisdiction from "this state."