I received a parking ticket in California, and was informed that if I wanted to fight it, I could request a review of the ticket within 21 days. After that, if the review favored against me, I could request a hearing by a neutral party to decide if I should pay the ticket. Unfortunately, 21 days was not enough time for me to compile my evidence, and even though I sent my case and request before the 21 days were over, they were received two days late, and they denied my request. After I received notice that my review request was denied, I called and tried to schedule a hearing, but they said because the review had never taken place, I could not schedule a hearing.
Now my question. Can they really deny a hearing for a parking ticket? I was under the impression that the Bill of Rights in the Constitution grants the right to a trial for all persons for all legal matters. I would assume a parking ticket would be no different than any other accusation.
If it really is illegal for them to deny my request for a hearing, how can I go about fighting this?