This thread is ancient, but I feel like I have to comment as it seems that I am the only person to post that has spent time in prison.
First: Inmates always find out why new inmates are coming in. Guards are paid barely more than minimum wage and they are about as unprofessional a group as you can find. Not all, but enough. They befriended us. They sold us drugs. They carried our messages.
Yes pedophiles get it rough. A friend of mine on the inside theorized that it was because so many of us in prison were abused as children. This doesn t hold water, I knew several guys with high respect who had beaten and abused their children. Maybe getting hit doesn t seem as bad as having inappropriate sexual contact, but my own father split my skull with an ax handle while in a speed and alcohol fueled rage and I woke up six weeks later so I could go into foster care. I traded sexual favors as a pre teen, and I can tell you which I preferred.
There was a guy on my pod that was put away for eight years for rape. He told me he had actually raped around twenty girls. He was a brutal violent man. The victim he was put away for was his niece. She wasn t a child but she was young. How is this better than a pedophile?
My theory is this: when you are in prison, everyone on earth is better than you. The maggot, drug pushing, sadist guards making 10.50 an hour are better than you. So in the bizarre, amoral calculus of self value that establishes itself the pedophile is the lowest. Guys that fit this bill tend not to be violent. They tend not to have connections that transfer from outside to inside. They are often loners who are mentally ill. They are not hurt because they are being "punished" by the noble savages of the prison. They are just weak, and ill-fit for the prison ecosystem of might-makes-right. If you think pedophiles are the worst people out there then you have never been to prison. But we hurt them because we can and it is just another brutal failure of the system. At least most of them have the excuse of an identified mental illness. I don t expect any of you to agree with me. I don t care if you do.