I was arrested a few years ago and spent approx. four months in jail for a crime I didn't commit. My accuserr just happened to be a retired nurse,handy-capedd women who also used to be a former ordained minister, and me well lets just say I have a past history with the police. Anyways when the police came to me residence to ask me some questions I really didn't have much to say to them due to there attitude and domineerr, at this point they brought me to the police station for further questioning, but once again due to there deminer and not having a lawyer present I refused to give a statment. I was then held for the night awaiting a bail hearing.The following day I was denied bail due to the crowns performance and lack of surety. after spending aprox. four months in jail I appeared in court , my accuser did not show up submitting a letter saying she was unable to attended due to medical reasons. The crown said if I were willing to plead guilty to the one charge I would get the other dropped and time served. Me being inicent I refused to due so. My lawyer managed to get me out on bail at this point awaiting a new trial date for the outstanding charge. during my time out I had come across some physical evedence that would have put my acuser in jail. a couple of months went buy and I couldnt wait for my trial, I had physical evedence that wouldf have put my accuser in jail for lying to the police. To my suprise I showed up for trial, only to have my charges withdrawn, gee I wonder why, my EGO and my big mouth basically. I was livid, not only did I spend four months in jail ,I encured a beating to the point of not being able to walk for two weeks. I also lost my apartment and all of my material posheshion, as well incured many finical burdens. To top that all of when I was released from jail apparently there was a rumer going around that I was in jail on a rape charge. and if thats not bad enough aprox three months after getting out of jail I was admited to the hospitial for a so called drug overdose (ya right one of the last things I destinctly rember is someone cooming up from behinfd me and raming a seringe in my arm) but aparently the docters are telluing me I was sucidal, ya right, whatever.I went to the police on severial ocashions regarding physical evedence proving my acuser lied to the the police, all they kept on telling me is "nothing theycan do it's a civail matter" I also told them about on my vershion on how I ended up in the hospitial and that time the treated me like some sort of mental patient, not really giving a **** about anything I had to say. seriously what kind of policeing is this, I'm litterally disgusted and appaled. Also inregard to these matters I have contacted the chief of police but because the police kept playing games with me misinforming me and not doing anything know neither will the chief of police because My written letter was submited after the six months. section 59(4) the matter was not submitted withen six months. I have also contacted the Ontario Comishion on Policice services they have now also closed the file, not doing a god dam thing. I have also contacted severial lawyers only to be told that it is a criminal matter and that the police should be dealing with it or that it would be pointless taking to court due to the women being on a fixed income and that it would also be costly. I have also contacterd Cith Hall and The MP"S office also to be treated like some less than or some third class citizen. I have also stood ourt front of the police station with a sign protesting my false arest in hopes of getting some media attention. I have contacted the local news and media on severial ocashions also only to get the run, unless I do something extream like chain myself toi the front of Cith Hall or the Police station they don't seem to give a ****. after going through severial lawyers I have finally found a lawyer willing to take on the City of Hamilton, and The Hamilton Wentworht Police provided I come up with a retainer of $7,500 and provided I'm within the statute of limatitions. I don't have that kind of money and Quite franklt I think it's outyragious on how I have been treated and how the justice system has treated me. It seems there is descrimaniation and people with money and powere do have influence.
Seriously apart from hurtingsome one or doing something I'm going to regret what can I do, I aslo forgot to mention that aslo due to this issiue I no longer have contact with any of my family members do to there perception and beliefs and quit frankly I'm tired of arguing with them.