A question for non-smokers...?
2009-10-27 19:22:37 UTC
When you think of people smoking marijuana despite the fact that it causes lung cancer and brain damage along with the fact that it's illegal, how does it make you feel?
37 answers:
2009-10-27 19:32:31 UTC
personally i think that smoking cigarrets is a more discusting, and even more controlling, habit than smoking marijuana. IIRC i don't believe weed gives you brain damage, and if it does, not as much as drinking beer, so....

I don't smoke iether, i just look at cigarrets and smell them and it's discusting
2009-10-27 19:48:33 UTC
If marijuana causes lung cancer and brain damage, than why is it prescribed by doctors to patients that are not all terminally ill? A lot of research and studies have been conducted on marijuana and I think you should read up a little more. Also, the day will come soon that marijuana will become legal. The White House did just announce that federal prosecutors will no longer be making a priority of prosecuting growers and sellers. I really don't see why people think such horrible things about marijuana, it really does more good than harm.

To answer your question, I feel pretty good that more people are starting to see that marijuana is really not so bad.

Oh, and I'm not a smoker because I'm a mommy=)
2009-10-27 19:48:18 UTC
It's questions like this that bring out the truth about people, most of the answers you've received are very uninformed.

Official and unofficial studies have show marijuana doesn't cause brain damage, in fact, it was brain cell regenerating properties.

The people saying marijuana cannot cause lung cancer are naive, it may be true that there's no direct case of marijuana causing lung cancer but we also must realize heavy marijuana smoking hasn't been around nearly as long as tobacco. We should start seeing results of long term pot smokers health in the next decade.

Marijuana smoke DOES contain carcinogens and as long as it does it may cause cancer, you can't argue it because it's widely known carcinogens cause cancer.

Marijuana has less negative effects of alcohol, yet it's illegal.

Marijuana has factually never directly killed a single person, ever, you can look it up all you want. There's been some accidents and crimes attributed to marijuana but it's also mixed with alcohol or other drugs.

Had you ask "what do you think of people that drink?" you would get all these same people hooting and hollering positively at the idea forgetting the fact that marijuana has never directly killed anyone and yet 35,000 people last year died of liver disease directly caused by alcohol.

And yet marijuana is the disgusting, despicable crack baby drug. Absolutely ridiculous.

For the record, I don't smoke, it's a crime that marijuana is illegal. It's illegal thanks to many of you ignorant people who answered and it's probably illegal because the government realizes marijuana's amazing qualities and chooses to deny the public it.

I was just in an argument lately about a guy that has a wife, get's drunk a few times a week and goes to strip joints sucking on dirty show girls breasts. Yet told me he wouldn't hang out with anyone who smokes pot because it's a disgusting loser habit, LOL!

Until you've smoke marijuana, don't regard it was a drug such as heroin. If you've been drunk you've done more harm to yourself and had more hellish of a time then you ever would smoking marijuana.
2009-10-27 19:34:08 UTC

If people are smoking in their home and not causing any trouble, I don't have a problem with it. It isn't the lifestyle I choose, and I wouldn't want to date a stoner, but the fact that they exist doesn't bother me.

I actually feel more upset about people smoking cigarettes! I find that these people are quite bold too - they'll just smoke right in front of doorways, or walking through crowded areas -- I think it's really rude!

People should be considerate and understand that just because they choose to smoke (cigarettes, marijuana, or whatever) doesn't mean the rest of us want to smell that crap!
2009-10-27 19:41:42 UTC
Good question. I'm not so sure how it makes me feel.. sometimes I feel bad for them, other times I just want to slap them really hard. =/ It kinda dependes on WHY they smoke, though. Some people may smoke because their parents and friends smoke, some may smoke to fit in, others might smoke just because. Frankly, however, I believe there's no real excuse for smoking or doing drugs or any of that. Who cares if I'm not considered "cool" for being against smoking and actually trying to learn something in school? One day I'll be in college, whereas they'll all be begging for pennies to buy more beer.

Live above the influence. :)
2009-10-27 19:30:30 UTC
When i iam seeing a smoking people realli i got irritate. Because smoke is injurious to health. Not only for a smoking person.. Near to the smoking persons also getting injurious.. So i dont like this much of peoples. Because they also know that there is a an injurious to self and others. Then also they doing. Its very sad thing.......
Scott S
2009-10-27 19:31:54 UTC
Marijuana has never caused any illness, cancer or death ever in history. There has not been even 1 death directly from Marijuana recorded.

The effects are euphoria, relaxation, dry mouth and in some cases paranoia. The paranoia is probably why it is illegal because the people in power can't handle it if they try it.
2009-10-27 19:30:20 UTC
Ohhhh don't even get me started! My ex spent more than $400 a month on it and that's all he did, and BEHIND MY BACK! We basically broke up because of it, and that's all he ever did and still probably does. I tried to help him quit because it's all he cared about, but I tried my best and failed. Unfortunately, I shouldn't care what other people do because it's their life and not mine. I just cared for him and wanted to help him change his ways is all. In conclusion, it just makes me want to help them and I wished they could find a cheaper, less illegal way of having fun. Hope I helped.
2009-10-27 19:28:56 UTC
uhm, it doesnt cause lung cancer nor brain damage. get your facts straight. Everyone in here who say its bad and it kills you, stop being so ignorant and actually do some research on the topic, you will find it is not bad after all.
2009-10-27 19:27:38 UTC
Mildly disgusted. It's a gross habit and I personally can't stand the smell or the idea of being around smoke like that for any kind of smoking, legal or not.
2009-10-27 19:29:50 UTC
I used to smoke pot, but realized it make you lazy and not very productive. As soon as a quit using it, my online business was doing better because I became more focused and stopped spending time in bed listening to music and playing video games all day.
Susan C
2009-10-27 19:41:02 UTC
The people that are saying pot isn't bad are pot heads, honestly they are. That's why they are stupid and think pot is better than cigarettes, pot is illegal for a reason u stupid morons!!! Oh and to answer ur question, I feel pity for them since they probably have a lot of other issues as well and are only getting high to feel better about their poor pathetic lives.
2009-10-27 19:32:08 UTC
Just a note.Funny B's 80 year old grandmother(still smoking,and Shes's 80)
2009-10-27 19:28:51 UTC
I worry for the poor pot plants and the CO2 emissions from the burning pot. The poor environment can not sustain all this smoking of pot! Be kind to mother earth!
2009-10-27 19:28:41 UTC
I feel you don't know what you are talking about. There is no proof to your claims and as a non smoker I would rather people smoke pot rather than drink booze.
2009-10-27 19:30:26 UTC
It makes me think that thye are the worst people in the world it hurts me to see it. My mom sneaks Cigarettes behind my back and I do love her but it makes me cry to think that she wouldn't stop for me.

Edit--- It is really bad because I have asthma so I can't be around smoke
2009-10-27 19:29:29 UTC
Doing something illegal and completely against the law & knowing that if you do get caught with it (mostly likely will sooner or later) stays on your record permanently. Honestly, would make me feel guilty.
2009-10-27 19:46:07 UTC
it prevents lung cancer (kills in earky stages), and doesnt cause any brain damage. its just a plant that gets you high.
2009-10-27 19:28:24 UTC
Maijuana doesnt cause lung cancer and brain damage, stop beleiving everything you hear, don't beleive me?, look it up
2009-10-27 19:34:54 UTC
my cousin smokes "pot" idk much bout smoking and im not too interested in it, but is "pot" the same as mary wanna?

ididnt know it caused brain damage, lung cancer.. im goin to tell em not to smoke..

but it makes me feal like well, it makes me feal bad

iconsider smoking as sucide, and lots of ppl view sucide as bad thus making smoking bad!


have a wonderful day... or nite
2009-10-27 19:33:37 UTC
i think that you are dumb and suicidal. why smoke something that is labelled to cause cancer and lung diseases? would you buy from a store that is known to steal your money?
cassettes won't listen
2009-10-27 19:29:17 UTC
eh, I don't think they're stupid or have no life; in fact, I have many friends, even smart ones, who do it.

I just don't feel like it; I'm high on life!

And it's not like there are other things that people do that aren't detrimental to their health, it's just that this one happens to be widely frowned upon
Esat T
2009-10-27 19:28:09 UTC
In a way i wonder whats going through their mind when they smoke it and what it feels like to be addicted
2009-10-27 19:27:48 UTC
It makes me feel bad, sad, and sick. My uncle and aunt smoke all the time, so does my 80 year old grandma and it makes me kinda mad cuz I always tell them to stop and they don't listen.
2009-10-27 19:42:00 UTC
The only thing better than sex is marijuana.
2009-10-27 19:30:16 UTC
i believe that we should have community centers for this sort of thing, with ventilation, and nurses or doctors to prevent drug ODs.

what sickens me is someone that smokes tobacco on the sidewalk, killing everyone around him, with no advantage to him. at least pot makes you feel happy, and isn't as addictive.
2009-10-27 19:30:04 UTC
Well, I feel that the person has issues and makes themselves feel better with marijuana.
2009-10-27 19:28:12 UTC
i wouldnt care if people i dont know do it but either my friends or family i would smack them hard :) but people who smoke that stuff are just ruining it not yours
2009-10-27 19:27:58 UTC
this is a question for smokers. i dont smoke, and iono how it feels, but people are dumb.
2009-10-27 19:27:36 UTC
What Mitchell said.
2009-10-27 19:26:54 UTC
i think that those people are dumb stupid and have no life

all though you may hurt yourself from smoking but your also hurting others
2009-10-27 19:29:51 UTC
I think it's stupid. I mean someone who needs something pot to be happy doesn't deserve to be on the face of this Earth.
2009-10-27 19:27:26 UTC
brain damage? where are you getting your facts, wikipedia? haha, do a little more research sonny boy.
2009-10-27 19:27:51 UTC
i dont think about them last time i witnessed someone doing that i went tree climbing
2009-10-27 19:59:29 UTC
Abbie Hoffman

• Abraham Lincoln. On a Hohner box cover but disputed.

• Al Gore.

• Aldous Huxley

• Aleister Crowley

• Alexander Dumas

• Alice B. Toklas

• Allen Ginsberg. Poet.

• Alexis Korner. Musician.

• Andy Warhol. Artist.

• Annita Roddock. Founder 'The Body Shop'.

• Anjelica Huston. Hollywood actress. Jack Nicholson's girlfriend for 17 years. Pro-drug statements by her in Peter McWilliams book, 'Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in Our Free Country'.

• Arthur Conan Doyle. Author, creator 'Sherlock Holmes'.

• Aswad. Musicians.

• Beatles.

• Bill Clinton.

• Bill Gates. Not confirmed, just very strongly hinted at in the Playboy interview

• Bill Murray Arrested for possession

• Bob Denver.

• Bob Dylan. Poet, singer, song writer.

• Bob Marley. Poet, singer, song writer.

• The Bishop of Monmouth.

• Brian Eno. Singer, song writer. Signed 'Independent' list.

• Boy George.

• British Lords & MP's - too many to list .

• Buddy Rich.

• Cab Calloway. Jazz musician.

• Carl Sagan. Author.

• Caroline Coon. Artist, founder 'Release', manager of the Clash.

• Carl Segan . Author.

• Carlos Santana. Musician, guitarist.

• Carrie Fischer.

• Cary Grant.

• Cary Mullis. Nobel Laurate, Biology

• Charles Beaudelaire

• Charles Dickens. Claims but no evdience.

• Cheech Marin.

• Chris Armstrong. Footballer, tested positive.

• Chris Conrad.

• Chris Farley. 60's singer.

• Chris Rock.

• Conan O'Brian.

• Count Basie. Jazz legend.

• Dame Ruth Runsiman. Author; Police Federation Report (March 2000) advising liberlization.

• Dave Gilmour . Musician ; Pink Floyd.

• Dave 'Tinki Winky' Thompson - TV personality (UK); the Tellie Tubbie that was sacked.

• Diego Rivera.

• Dion Fortune.

• Dioscorides.

• Dizzy Gillespie.

• Douglas Adams. Author.

• Dr Francis Crick. Nobel Prize winner.

• Dr Lester Grinspoon.

• Dr Mark Porter. TV doctor who says cannabis is not more harmful than alcohol.

• Dr Anne Biezanek (authoress)

• Dr R.D.Laing.

• Dr John Marks

• Dr W.B. O'Shaugnessy.

• Drew Barrymore.

• Duke Ellington.

• Eddie Ellison. Ex head of Scotland Yard Drug Squad.

• Edgar Allen Poe. Author, multi-drug user.

• Elvis Presley. Singer, FBI informer.

• Emperor Liu Chi-nu.

• Emperor Shen-Nung.

• Ernest Hemmingway. Author.

• Errol Flynn.

• Fela Kuti. Musician. Afro/jazz king.

• Felix Dennis. Publisher.

• Fitz Hugh Ludlow.

• Fran Healey. Musician; Travis.

• Francis Ford Coppella.

• Francis Rabelais.

• Francis Wilkinson. Ex Chief Constable of Gwent Police.

• Fredreich Nietzshe.

• Ganesh - Hindu God.

• Gary Johnson.

• Gene Krupa.

• George Clinton. Ex President's brother.

• George W Bush. Possibly the greatest living hypocrite.

• George Gurdjieff.

• George Melly. Jazz musician (early sponsor of Legalise Cannabis Campaign, Uk).

• George Michael. Singer.

• George Washington.

• George Soros.

• Gerard de Nerval.

• Gilberto Gil. Brazilian musical icon.

• The Greatful Dead.

• Hasan I-Sabah.

• Heinrich Khunrath.

• Helen Petrova Blavatsky.

• Henri Michaux.

• Herman Hesse.

• Hiero the Second.

• Howard Marks. Author, cannabis smuggller.

• Howard Stern, Admitted it on the radio.

• Hua T'o.

• Hunter S. Thompson. Smoked weed and snorted coke with George Bush.

• Ian Botham. Convicted Cricket legend.

• Irvine Welsh.

• Kurt Cobain.

• Jabir Ibn el-Hayyan.

• Jack Herer. Author 'The Emporor Wears No Cloths'

• Jack Kerouac. Author ' On the Road'.

• Jack Nicholson. Film actor.

• Jackie Gleason.

• Jackson Pollock.

• Jane Fonda. Actress.

• James Brown. Singer, song writer.

• Janis Joplin. Singer, song writer.

• Jesse 0Ventura.

• Jerry Lee Lewis. Musician, song writer.

• Jimmy Dorsey.

• Jimmy Hendrix. Rock guitarist, singe, song writer

• Jim Morrison. Musician, songwriter; The Doors.

• Joan of Arc. Accused of using 'witch herbs' (another name for cannabis).

• Joan Rivers.

• Joe Strummer. Musician, singer, songer writer; The Clash.

• John Belushi.

• John Denver.

• John F Kennedy. Popular US president (assassinated).

• John Keats. Poet.

• John Lennon. Musician, song writer; The Beatles.

• John Le Mesurier. Tried it but said it's not for him.

• Johnny Cash.

• John Peel. DJ, BBC broadcaster.

• John Sinclair.

• Judge John L. Kane. Chief Judge from the US District Court

• Julie Christie. Actress.

• Jules Verne.

• John Wayne. 'I tried it once but it didn't do anything to me.'

• Kelsey Grammar.

• Ken Livingston. Mayor of London - supports decriminalisation but does not smoke or support the use of recreational drugs.

• Kirk Douglas. Actor.

• Kurt Cobain.

• Larry Adler. Harmonica player and

friend of George Gershwin. May have written a song about it.

• Lenny Bruce. Comedian.

• Lewis Carroll. Author 'Alice in Wonderland'.

• Linda St Clair

• Little Richard. Musician.

• Lord Avebury.

• Lord Byron. Poet.

• Lord Deedes.

• Lord Tony Gifford. QC, civil rights lawyer.

• Louis Armstrong. 'Oh what a wonderful world'.

• Louis Hebe
2009-10-27 19:27:31 UTC
I don't feel's their body/life.
2009-10-27 19:27:28 UTC
Angry. I just wanna smack it out their hands.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.