11 years ago
So my obvious question is, will 2 speeding tickets disqualify my from becoming a police officer? I wasn't even planning on applying for another year or 2, because I really do need to put together some savings. I've never been arrested or gotten a citation for anything else. I got this most recent ticket when I was entering a very small town where the speed limit dropped quickly from 65 to 45 and I just happened to be passing an officer just as I was about to slow down. Now, I don't mean this to sound like I don't think I deserved a ticket. But it wasn't a case of me being purposefully careless or me just ignoring the law.
I realize that different agencies in different cities will have variations in what disqualifies candidates. I'm asking this as a general question though. In most cities/agencies, will two speeding tickets either disqualify me or MAJORLY hurt my chances? I have an Associate's and Bachelor's degree and graduated with a 3.4 GPA.