2009-10-16 08:52:55 UTC
Was I legal to request a blood sample instead of a breath test for the simple fact that i have asthma and it is tough for me to sustain a long breath, especially when late at night or when I wake up that is when the asthma provides me the most difficulty?
Also if I had truly ran a red light wouldn't he have given me a ticket for that as well?
I feel I was being harassed and profiled, because I am in my early 20's and I had two drunk people with me. I wasn't being rude to the officers, although they may have not liked me trying to stand up for my own rights, as most officers don't like that.
They suspended my license and now i am afraid I will lose my license for two years because of this. The police didn't make any mention of me slurring, stumbling, or smelling of alcohol. I think they were just fishing because they have a ticket quota campaign going on in Winnipeg right now for all traffic offenses, and they just wanted to bust someone.
Also they did not tell me about implied consent, nor did they ask if I couldn't provide a sample due to an injury or medical condition. Also they did not even produce a breathalyzer for me to blow into so how could I refuse, without saying "no", if they didn't even give me the apparatus to blow into?