the government can only make laws to legislate for the people equally. what the people can not find within, can not be legislated from without.
if black crime is too high, obviously, it must the white man's problem?
there is a bit of confusion about what civil rights actually mean. when the black community says it will resist segregation, it has become confused and is saying that it will resist open integration, it will resist equal rights for all americans, that it will openly support crime and criminals who murder, sell and traffic drugs, defraud, and assault people.
while christian members of the black community number almost 98%, the crime rate says, no one believes in it. there are thousands of black churches, but they are more interested in being political centers to agitating for civil rights by condemning the "white" man. so, realistically they have lost their "true mission", and have fallen into lower paths of social work.
the crime in the christian black community are caused by the failures of the churches, their leaders, and the failure of christian religion to "save" the black community from their own evil.