BLACKS CRIME is too high. CAN DONALD TRUMP reduce it?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
BLACKS CRIME is too high. CAN DONALD TRUMP reduce it?
185 answers:
2017-02-24 03:28:37 UTC
Can Donald trump reduce dumb **** questions on yahoo answers
2017-02-24 00:35:56 UTC
No blacks are genetically predisposed to crime due to low average iq, small prefrontal cortex, and high testosterone.

There has never been a successful crime free black city or country in all of human history.
狐 Josh
2017-02-24 00:11:18 UTC
Let's see what he can do about Chicago first.
2017-02-23 21:07:19 UTC
not at all. black crime has been high for a long time. no hope it will go down now
Warren T
2017-02-25 12:57:09 UTC
Timothy Burden
2017-02-24 20:32:23 UTC
Trump can't do much considering the rate of crimes, besides upping police in major areas. The black crime is dependent on the people who commit the crimes, some cause more crimes and others less.
2017-02-25 05:42:12 UTC
I'd like him to reduce every crime, if we choose a color we may end up with the worst of the worst still running, like pedophiles, kidnappers, serial killers, etc...And, let him get the national guard in Chicago like he promised.
Linda R
2017-02-24 17:55:27 UTC
Put them all to work. A working person does NOT have time to commit crimes.
2017-02-24 00:11:05 UTC
He should, Chicago killed more people than Japan had homicides.
2017-02-23 21:11:03 UTC
One person can never do that without the cooperation of the community.
2017-02-25 21:29:20 UTC
2017-02-25 13:08:44 UTC
2017-02-25 02:23:39 UTC
Donald "Cheeto" Trump cannot reduce "black on black crime." White society has programmed black people to kill each other generation after generation. It's called racism/white supremacy.
2017-02-24 02:17:14 UTC
We all have a choice in life, if they choose to murder for a dollar (and by they I mean anyone not just black) then that's on them, not the U.S. President of The United States nor anyone named Trump, **** him btw. But it's about time we stop hatefulness in our society, even if it was just for an hour. I would love to see this country prosper for once.
2017-02-24 00:10:03 UTC
How about getting Trump to fix White on WHITE crime? In America when a white person

is murdered, EIGHT FOUR PERCENT of the time the murderer is ANOTHER WHITE PERSON.

That 84% folks committed by other whites. Fix THAT first!

**EDIT Trump can't even STOP HIMSELF from breaking laws. "LEAD BY GOOD EXAMPLE", Mr President!

Remember THAT old saying?
2017-03-02 02:05:57 UTC
2017-02-26 21:06:48 UTC
2017-02-25 21:05:37 UTC
if he is going to stop the black lives matter "free speech". also they act like slavery is going on and donald trump isnt like obama or hillary so he will do something
2017-02-25 18:35:44 UTC
No hes just pissing them off more
2017-02-25 15:14:51 UTC
When did trump ever care ha ha ha
2017-02-25 01:44:32 UTC
Maybe not
2017-02-25 01:28:55 UTC
Provide some jobs.
2017-02-25 00:24:51 UTC
2017-02-24 21:37:15 UTC
Once the Democrats unshackle him we will see !
2017-02-24 21:24:41 UTC
If they share their secrets, their own peace of mind will lower if not stop crime
2017-02-24 20:47:35 UTC
Reduce it by sterolizing the black from having so many kids. Blacks=Crime in all countries. Its how they are built due to being closer to the animal kingdom.
2017-02-24 19:53:36 UTC
Donald's Trump can't do jack ****. A lot of black individuals who are students that do really well (get top grades and have tons of work experience) and still get rejected. But they hire the white guy who's failed most of his exams, is lazy and so forth. Not in all cases but a lot. Why? Simply because they're racist. White Americans tend to be a lot more racist than others. Not even just whites but other races can be racist to blacks too but it's usually whites. Donald Trump is only good at banning people and basically just subtracting people off this world and things. The Americans who voted for this piece of garbage, you played yourself. Fairwell.
2017-02-24 18:44:20 UTC
2017-02-24 17:31:51 UTC
Trump can't reduce anything, he's always gonna make **** worse
2017-02-23 22:29:00 UTC
Maybe he can distract attention by prosecuting all those White criminals who've been getting off. After the 1929 Crash, lots of crooked bankers and stockbrokers went to prison, but none after the 2008 Crash. It's not too late change that. Likewise, war crimes trials for "W" Bush and cabinet. (Obama and cabinet, too, if you like.)
2017-02-23 21:54:31 UTC
Al Capone
2017-02-23 21:13:47 UTC
Once I get my promised 40 acres and a mule I'll think about it.
2017-02-23 21:08:31 UTC
nope, its high due to poverty and inequality as well as bey underdeveloped communities
2017-03-03 04:35:16 UTC
Donald Trump can't even get his head out of his a**!
2017-02-28 02:03:40 UTC
Too damn high
2017-02-27 01:17:08 UTC
Aside from increased patrolling (which I think should exist in all high-crime areas, regardless of racial demographics), there's no way to reduce crime among a specific race. Stricter punishments may deter all crime a bit, as may helping the economy. But that would reduce crime among everybody, not just among African-Americans.

Perhaps, if Trump's economic plan works, crime will go down among African-Americans and everybody else, but there's no way to reduce crime among a specific race. The only way for crime rates to go down among one race is if more people from that race take responsibility for their actions.
2017-02-26 15:25:00 UTC
donald "cheeto" trump cannot reduce "black on black crime..." white society has programmed black people to kill each other generation after generation... it's called racism/white supremacy...
2017-02-26 10:28:17 UTC
Maybe he should start on the WHITE COPS who have been shooting blacks and say its an accident! Oh, sorry mate, the trigger slipped, i wasn't meaning to aim at you and put pressure on the trigger! This is one of the biggest problems!
2017-02-25 15:39:56 UTC
Hopefully he can fix it without people harming each other and without evacuating them!
2017-02-25 13:35:23 UTC
Unfortunately no.
2017-02-25 12:29:08 UTC
Donald Trump has signed three executive orders to deal with “public safety”, including handing more authority to the police. At the formal ceremony to appoint Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, the President outlined the new mandate that Mr Sessions would have, including tackling crime, drug cartels and terrorism.
2017-02-25 12:01:03 UTC
2017-02-25 04:46:14 UTC
NO,Only Blacks can do that.
2017-02-24 23:21:40 UTC
no its to late they are protected by the haters
Tad Dubious
2017-02-24 19:12:32 UTC
No. Why should he? That would be a STATE issue, and the President has made it clear he does not want to be involved in state issues.
2017-02-24 05:00:47 UTC
If leaving the police alone to do their job means he has

something to do with it. Then yes.
2017-02-24 04:22:46 UTC
Actually, crimes committed by blacks are down. The illusion and your delusion of blacks committing all of this crime and whites are just angels only feed your white supremacist mindset of needing blacks to be these monsters so your hatred can be justified. You know this already but you choose to pretend as though black people are everything your white supremacist counterparts say they are when they aren't. Although logic doesn't go over well with those who are illogical in their thinking and is so infused with demonic white supremacy, there's still hope for small white children who hasn't been indoctrinated with such evilness. It is a fact that whites commit the most crimes. It is a fact that more whites are on drugs and welfare than blacks. It is a fact that whites get more slaps on the wrists than blacks with everything. What shall be done to you for mass shootings, rapings, child molestations, serial killings, hackings, school shootings that whites do on a regular?
2017-02-24 03:57:19 UTC
Who knows
sky l
2017-02-24 03:50:49 UTC
2017-02-24 02:22:27 UTC
Hold on ... black crime is too high. Sure, I'll go along with that. But is WHITE crime too high?

Or are you only going to care about black crime.

You are framing the question to be racist. And any attempt to answer it other than attacking the question will probably also be racist.

Can Donald Trump reduce crime? With his current arsenal of ideas, NOT A CHANCE. "Be tough on crime" in the long term usually produces more crime.

Until you understand where crime comes from and try to treat that, all you're doing is making bigger and bigger jails.
2017-02-23 23:52:53 UTC
I don't think so?
2017-03-27 08:41:50 UTC
reduce it by sterolizing the black from having so numerous kids... blacks=crime in all countries... its how they are built due to being closer to the animal kingdom...
2017-03-03 08:25:12 UTC
Yes, provided he just takes as many cop cars without asking beforehand.
2017-02-26 23:30:24 UTC
Hell yeah. Build more prisons
2017-02-25 14:39:06 UTC
Just like he promised uneducated whites he'd bring back low skilled factory jobs that have been gone for generations? LOL Of course not. That would require 1) a major change in the upbringing of children in ghettos and 2) a major socioeconomic change with ending poverty and the drug trade. Not going to happen with Trump.
luisa l hi
2017-02-25 06:58:40 UTC
the crime is around,the poor people is around,but is weird the simple jobs of black people are less?
2017-02-25 03:56:18 UTC
blacks don't commit crimes because they're skin color, it all goes back to slavery, The ones that commit crimes are born in the hood, so they were just raised that way, their parents, same thing, and it goes on and on until it goes to the days when slavery was over, most slaves that were freed didn't know how to read or do math so they had jobs that didn't pay much or they were not accepted into high paying jobs because of their race, so they're forced to live in poor neighbourhoods, and hoods are usually poor neighbourhoods. If you were to take a black child that was born in the hood from a few weeks after birth and put them in a new family (assuming their mother didn't do any drugs while they were pregnant or did not expose the children to drugs during the few weeks that the baby lived in the hood, And if the family was a good family in a good neighbourhood, then the child would grow up to be a great person with no criminal record. The only way Donald Trump could reduce it would be if he helped the hoods, put drug dealers in prison for a long time, and then just fixed the hoods up.
2017-02-24 23:05:45 UTC
Yes. He needs to get with Revrend Sharp Tounge. They both agree blacks need jobs. Maybe a your first pair of work boots free program. They could be sent to S Florida & Texas to pick produce & work north to the Canadian border. If they wish to work in Canada they could also go there at this time. Give them 9 months work a year. Each State could chip in for unemployment they worked in & 2 months of in the winter at home for paid vacation time. Some could even develop the skills to be straw Boss's on farms full time. When the seasonal help is there they could be issued whips as well so a full days work is got for the pay thy would earn. Be great for those who drop ot of school, Or are sent to Juvie. Lower the farm labor law to 16 & can work. On migrant jobs. Fill the labor void when illegals will not show for those jobs as well do to ice or othere related work problems. This would create a great will in them to find & hold better jobs. Keep them happy & employed.
2017-02-24 21:06:49 UTC
No because he intends on making Marijuana illegal and when he does that black crime will go up even higher after they're arrested for using/selling.
2017-02-24 16:24:39 UTC
The Justice Dept. can and should, not President Trump.
2017-02-24 16:06:16 UTC
YEAH by changing laws on POT fewer BLACKS are going to jail now..
2017-02-24 07:17:41 UTC
Mir Quasem
2017-02-24 05:07:01 UTC
Crime is too high.
2017-02-24 04:52:18 UTC
chgo has spending caused brokedness, 25 years of state spendings,& a repub in that office for a year & some

chgo has thugs,a lot of them, lot of dope,gangs with heat who care not who

they shoot at, trump will help by sending a hundred feds in to catch the lil fellas,,chgo & the state have run up the charge card like drunken fratboys.

where werya over the past 8 years while baraq F fosdick was the martial in charge?
2017-02-24 03:53:53 UTC
FACT: Rich or poor doesn't matter - ALL black communities WORLD WIDE are violent places with high crime WITHOUT exception.
2017-02-24 03:05:34 UTC
Yes, he can build a wall and put them all behind it.
2017-02-24 02:58:58 UTC
i don't think so?
Diana M
2017-02-24 01:30:22 UTC
Spock (rhp)
2017-02-23 22:23:10 UTC
more jobs would probably do that -- people busy working have own money and less time and so are less likely to be doing crimes
2017-02-23 22:13:48 UTC
2017-02-23 21:04:29 UTC
this is indeed a major need. black gun violence is very high
2017-02-28 22:57:55 UTC
Yes, by getting rid of the black muslims.
2017-02-27 23:15:56 UTC
no because black people are so terible that no 1 can do anything about ti because they are terible people and its say is in the bible that they are need to be punishes so no trump cantnot reduce the crime of black people
2017-02-27 14:48:41 UTC
No he cant
Mr M
2017-02-25 23:21:25 UTC
No. Blacks will always be blacks. No one can change it.
2017-02-25 18:01:08 UTC
Do you mean to burgle lower floors in buildings? - as you say they are too high, at the moment. I hope this helps.
Ali Mli
2017-02-25 15:15:07 UTC
Thats rasist
Platty Mudu
2017-02-25 13:46:13 UTC
Try researching china china town , bet you'll turn the spotlight on Mexican gang.
2017-02-25 07:12:52 UTC
Personally I've never been a fan of blacks. They don't pay attention to the things that matter in life. They're too busy running from the cops to stop and play a few holes of golf. Instead they're out getting bullet holes.
2017-02-25 06:28:20 UTC
You know what? Although I am white and Canadian, I hate this question so much. What the hell is wrong with you? The only thing Donald Trump will ever reduce is peace,love and equality around the world. Do you really think that black people, Muslims and Mexicans are the only people that ever commit crimes? Don't generalize people because of their skin colour or race, like what does that have to do with anything? White people get away with so much more than everyone else, and I will not deny the fact that I am privileged, because its true. I am disgusted with the fact that just because someone is white, they are automatically considered innocent. Donald trump is the literal definition of a delusional idiot. I am truly disgusted with America and what it has become, because this is ridiculous. Even if this question was meant to be a joke, it was really stupid of you to ask it and this is not funny and shouldn't be something that you joke about.
2017-02-24 18:58:30 UTC
**** you

don't **** with black people
2017-02-24 16:19:38 UTC
Actually white crime is too high, as in white collar crime. Most U.S. citizens always feel broke even when WE make good money. People on ACA aka RObamaney care feel broke but often grateful for the insurance but it is purchased at the expense of those who do the work. Our insurance more than doubled to cover the health insurance of those who can't afford - insurance. Insurance is NOT healthcare, it IS a lottery that you only win if you get sick. Then once the lottery is over you are required by LAW to pay for another premium which is just another lottery ticket to see if you win - some PORTION of your costs coverage. We used to have to pay just a premium, then it became a premium with a co-pay, after that it became - premium-deductible-co-pay only if you fulfill the deductible. The deductible is carried over from premium to premium until the end of a unit term - per year -- but YOUR PREMIUM is not a savings program where you get your deductible back if you switch providers. This is nothing more than organized crime shoring up the stock prices for insurance companies. Now that the laws require insurance companies be required to provide healthcare coverage they are starting to reconsider being part of ACA which is fine with me. We need to END health insurance and begin health savings programs with separate not for profit health clinics for those who can NOT afford healthcare. Insurance companies invest ALL of the premium they get and don't have to pay back out and like the organized crime that is today's banking and investment systems very little is required to be covered and insured for the people who put their incomes into these organizations.

NO Black crime is NOT NEARLY as high as WHITE CRIME!
2017-02-24 15:13:35 UTC
Well shii if he can do that then we maybe (not saying we can) be coo.
2017-02-24 13:19:39 UTC
2017-02-24 12:44:29 UTC
2017-02-24 12:35:12 UTC
No but the community in which you live in can. People need to step up.

When I was at Louisville Metro Department of Corrections, we were equal in all who came across the grill, regardless of skin color, economic or social background , straight, gay, or transgender.

The temptation to commit a crime gives equal opportunity to all.
2017-02-24 12:21:36 UTC
He can reduce blacks. Send them home, where they will all be's King an Queens an sh!t.
2017-02-24 09:10:37 UTC
Yes, if sufficient public support is there for him.
2017-02-24 03:14:53 UTC
2017-02-24 02:41:13 UTC
Ppl are always talking about black crime...first of all its hard for them many blacks to do crime when most of them are locked up. Second of all ppl talking about black crime is a distraction from the large scale crime WHITE CORPORATIONS do when they use cheap labor (slave wages) and steal from countries like sierra leone and other parts of Africa which they know is rich in resources. NOT to mention GENOCIDE GENOCIDE GENOCIDE. Go educate urself and focus on how high you need to raise ur negative IQ rather than how "high" these propaganda spewing news stations suggest "black crime" is. PS: crime is not about color Its about BREAKING THE LAW. Like these WHITE men who love shooting up elementary schools and churches....
2017-02-24 00:07:59 UTC
2017-04-23 18:37:55 UTC
trump for the life of me cannot reduce anything, he's always gonna make **** worse
2017-02-28 17:55:31 UTC
2017-02-27 23:46:52 UTC
TF?? That ain't true?!?

It is often I see caucasians blowing up things! They are known for terrorist attacks?? What about caucasian crimes? Honey lets not focus on African Americans.
Destructive Politics The Book
2017-02-27 21:28:26 UTC
No, only the local city police can reduce the high black crime rate by putting police on every corner in bad neighborhoods. All the hoods moms will be extremely thankful.

We need to close federal departments. To do this, we must adapt

"The Constitution Carta".

It will pay off debt, wipe out poverty and bring peace all over the world.
2017-02-27 08:25:24 UTC
He should deport every one who commits a crime .. and he should penalize them for having more than 2 babies
2017-02-26 11:20:35 UTC
The black people are the really bad ones electronic tags will reduce their crime epidemic .
2017-02-25 22:53:14 UTC
2017-02-25 19:01:49 UTC
Nope, Now he is busy with the wall, and after Adolf Trump will build the camps
2017-02-25 12:08:29 UTC
Yes he can...if he is really a good guy...not on a color of people race but the black color of minds which is negative, that made this wonderful planet not so attractive to live on in a long run.
2017-02-25 10:59:10 UTC
2017-02-25 06:10:28 UTC
2017-02-25 04:02:01 UTC
2017-02-24 18:48:57 UTC
i think whoever made yahoo answers needs to get shot in the face
2017-02-24 14:47:18 UTC
Send the blacks to Africa
2017-02-24 08:39:10 UTC
Summary execution of anyone who isn't white.
2017-02-24 05:07:33 UTC
Sure. He could reduce it by improving school systems and encouraging low-income communities to begin to better themselves. The only reason "black crime" is so common is because a majority of people in run down places (or the 'hood', and many like to fondly call it) are, in fact black. But then, you've got to step back and think about who put them there in the first place. It's difficult to be proud of your race when it was responsible for the massacre and enslavement of thousands, with effects like these still seen today.
2017-02-24 03:34:54 UTC
ask sharpton and jackson.
2017-02-24 00:55:47 UTC
2017-02-23 21:05:28 UTC
Yes, the same way he can increase black employment, by killing them.

If most of them are killed, especially the unemployed, then their employment rate will go up and crime rate will go down.
2017-03-16 20:37:28 UTC
reduce it by sterolizing the black from having so numerous kids... blacks=crime in all countries... its how they are built due to being closer to the animal kingdom...
2017-03-05 00:00:03 UTC
2017-03-01 04:43:22 UTC
Look at every comment on here from blacks. Whites did it, slavery, not our fault, ect. They just REFUSE to take responsibility for their criminally prone, animalistic behavior. Wherever these people are on the Planet, they are the poorest, least educated, most violent and least achieving race of people whether here in America, in Africa, in Europe, in Haiti ect. Everywhere they go they turn into a crime-ridden sh*thole despite the TRILLIONS of white tax dollars dumped into their neighborhoods, not to mention all the aid whites are constantly sending to places like Africa. All these people do is destroy everything handed to them, beg for more and more and more white handouts, and blame 150 year old events for why they kill each other, abandon their children, drop out of school, can't hold a job, and can't create thriving and prosperous communities. Asians come here, can't even speak the language and yet 20 years later, their kids are in college. Jews went through the Holocaust, which was far worse AND much more recent than slavery, yet they have succeeded beyond belief (and all while still being discriminated against), yet blacks will never be where these 2 groups are because they are low ig savages who are incapable of prospering. Donald Trump can't help them. Noone can. Theyr'e hopeless. They are still gonna be poor, violent, uneducated, in the ghetto and blaming Whitey (while leeching off our tax dollars) 1,000 years from now! So sad how they have affirmative action and get more help and handouts than anyone else, with trillions of dollars being spent to lift them out of poverty, yet they still can't accomplish a damn thing, and they NEVER will! The sad truth is, black people are destined to be on the lowest wrung of society for eternity and even honest blacks like JayLove on youtube, admit this.
2017-02-27 20:22:31 UTC
He ain't gonna do anything about it
2017-02-27 18:37:51 UTC
Well he did actually mention the problem of inner-city urban crime in one of the debates. Clinton's reaction was that him even mentioning that there is a problem is somehow racist.
2017-02-27 17:12:49 UTC
That depends on the blacks, not the President, but before Obama it wasn't as high.
2017-02-27 16:54:38 UTC
Blacks crime means???
2017-02-25 06:27:04 UTC
Nope. Crimes happen all the time. Stop one grow another.
2017-02-25 05:58:09 UTC
Statistically white on white crime is higher than black on black crime so if we want to address crime we need to start with white on white crime first.
2017-02-25 05:21:59 UTC
honestly it all starts in the black community and how they can uplift themselves and stop violence lots of blacks commit crimes because they don't have father figures most of the time and want to feel loved and accepted and think that's what they have to result to because the system always is putting blacks down telling them all they are worth is to be a thief or a murderer look at some of the comments saying blacks have low iq this is why blacks feel like they aren't meant to be great
2017-02-25 05:05:34 UTC
Only possible in Jamaica. Those blacks have a good thing going with peace
2017-02-25 02:54:53 UTC
black crime rate is high is because y'all white people have thrown them into ghettos and hoods, and treat them like sh**
2017-02-25 01:31:27 UTC
If Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel can't / won't reduce black crime, how can you expect Trump to do it?
2017-02-25 00:07:15 UTC
Blacks are only 12% of the population, yet commit half of all violent crime, including murder. At the rate they are killing each other, they will all be gone soon. There is less of them by percentage now than during slavery. Keep up the good work, blacks! We will be rid of you soon. LOLOL
2017-02-24 20:57:45 UTC
He needs all the help at his disposal.
2017-02-24 19:55:56 UTC
The only thing he will do is lock them up.
2017-02-24 15:01:10 UTC
For 8 years the president was a black man from Chicago and he never did anything to reduce the crime rate so it's unlikely Trump will be any different.
2017-02-24 03:31:19 UTC
everyone is threatened
2017-02-24 00:36:12 UTC
ask not what your president can do for you but what you can do for yourself
2017-02-23 21:06:28 UTC
no, until blacks poverty goes down, they have jobs, and opportunity, it wont go down, high poverty and neglect is a major cause of high black crime. but the criminal justice system is very unfair too
Tom thumb
2017-02-27 04:02:26 UTC
2017-02-26 20:30:58 UTC
Not until President Trump stops his crimes

and appoints Mr. John Dean to repeat his

Nixon Era legal inquiry to determine if an

Impeachment is justified.
2017-02-26 09:47:37 UTC
i would like him to reduce every crime not only in America but all around the world. Because crime is crime.
2017-02-26 05:02:43 UTC
let's see what he can do about chicago first...
2017-02-25 14:45:45 UTC
New here
2017-02-25 13:11:26 UTC
No, He is not black. If black people want black crime to drop black people should stop breaking the law. Didn't Obama fix all this, he was the first black POTUS for 8 years!!!
2017-02-25 10:53:13 UTC
The Black Immigrants who are highlighting the problems with African Americans (on this website) are failing to focus on all the violence and crimes throughout Africa and the Caribbean. It's sad that they would spend time asking these foolish questions when many people in Africa are going nuts. Look at what is going on in South Africa now. The Black South Africans have escalated to violence in their Anti-Immigrant battle with Nigerians. This is all in the news. Black on Black crime is an issue among African Americans. Most of the African

Americans crime stays within their communities. Most violent and criminal minded African Americans do not commit crimes on other people or against their country. Only a small percentage of African Americans are connected to criminal activity. Instead of Black Immigrants wasting time attacking African Americans on youtube and online, you all should be working together to deal with all of the problems among Black people globally. The world is observing how Black people globally are not cooperating to fix their own problems.
Denise C
2017-02-25 09:52:25 UTC
YES he can and he WILL
2017-02-25 05:31:36 UTC
No he's just gonna throw them all in jail instead of try and help anybody
2017-02-24 21:04:41 UTC
So black crime is "too high," but all other crime is just right I suppose!
2017-02-24 18:24:24 UTC
2017-02-24 17:49:20 UTC
Trump doesn't care about crime or Black people, he cannot do anything personally to "reduce" is as most crimes are local jurisdiction and have nothing to do with the Federal Government or elected offices.

You might want to learn something about states rights, government and authority.
2017-02-24 13:13:38 UTC
2017-02-24 08:36:00 UTC
No he can't but I can. Vet every police officer for racial bias and fire anyone who shows symptoms. Black crime (otherwise known as black arrests and/or convictions) will drop dramatically. Problem solved!
2017-02-24 08:13:05 UTC
Only if he thinks it will affect wealthy whites.
2017-02-24 06:12:44 UTC
2017-02-24 06:11:53 UTC
2017-02-24 04:25:48 UTC
Trump can lock-up the hood rats, so that's a start.
2017-02-24 03:18:50 UTC
Why didn't their hero OBAMA reduce it what's he been doing the past 8 years?
2017-02-23 23:54:31 UTC
It is a FEDERAL problem when local state governments cannot or will not police crime effectively. Parts of our cities are like a foreign war zone and that is intolerable. NO place for children;no place at ALL. As President I think he should grab gangs up and treat them as FEDERAL criminals for behaving like terrorists in the United States and it is a matter of TREASON. That would give Black children a chance to grow up in Black neighbourhoods without gang warfare around them. Some of the BEST Black children get murdered by the Gangs. Trump should start DOING and stop ASKING to do. Don't take it to Congress or the Supreme Court but flex his muscles and see what the military CAN DO for the Commander in Chief! AND STOP ANNOUNCING TO THE MEDIA EVERYTHING HE DOES!!!
2017-02-27 17:34:45 UTC
He is already helping to increase hate crime.
2017-02-27 11:16:08 UTC
Just love them
2017-02-26 16:42:55 UTC
The media makes it seem like Black crime is high because they not publish white crimes. Many white men beat their wives and children but it is kept out of the media unless someone is killed. But emergency rooms can tell you the truth. Even women and children groups can shed light on white on white crimes. Crime definition is an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government. Illegal acts are performed in all races. No human will be able to reduce or stop crime. There are three basic elements to world crime: the criminals, the police, and the victims. All we can do is cope with crime until God says he's had enough. Revelation 16:16.
2017-02-26 13:05:23 UTC
yes. if he is firm with his decision.
2017-02-25 14:19:29 UTC
Why can't he just lower crime in general? No matter what any of you say humans are all equal
2017-02-25 07:50:19 UTC
I have not answer
2017-02-25 01:06:01 UTC
As soon as we have a culture based in the natural family, that rewards and promotes it in schools and media. Until then mental illness and violence will be the result, as well as eventually the privatization of reproduction and the reemergence of Eugenics. This isn't just for black folks, this is the plan for all of humanity. It's just been accelerated and tested in the black community. "Replace the father with the state" Not my words but the words of leaked UN documents.

You ever wonder why the modern feminist movement is nothing more than a war against what they refer to as cis gender men and women? Wonder no more.
2017-02-24 20:53:59 UTC
The only thing that can, and should be done, is illegal.
2017-02-24 19:55:44 UTC
yeah, by deporting them back to Africa
2017-02-24 19:36:51 UTC
2017-02-24 18:32:37 UTC
No one can.
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2017-02-24 17:58:25 UTC
He has a plan. Since the blacks are taking more than their fair share of crime. He plans on bringing in some white criminals to even things out.
2017-02-24 17:57:00 UTC
No. How could he?
2017-02-24 15:11:22 UTC
Black crime will not be reduced until blacks and whites are treated equally in the job market. When someone has a decent job he or she does not have to turn to crime. Neither Trump or any other president can cure this. Just as those frustrated angry white men that voted for Trump, there are angry black and women who have been treated as second class citizens for so long. A case in point took place in Florida, USA. It was found out that over a period of several years Judges handed down sentences to black men far exceeding those of white men for the same crimes. In some cases double!! A white drunk driver killed two pedestrians and received a sentence of 6 1/2 years!!! He drove while drunk, vehicular homicide!! A black man who is in possession of drugs would be sentenced for up to 10 years depending on the quantity of drugs. When it comes to jobs, if a white man and a black man applied for the same job with similar qualifications... who do you think is more likely to be hired?
2017-02-24 14:56:19 UTC
YES...We can actually enforce the laws now.
2017-02-24 13:18:39 UTC
So how much BLACK CRIME is acceptable to you, Nit Wit?
2017-02-24 08:56:47 UTC
yes its do
2017-02-24 02:14:30 UTC
2017-02-23 22:02:56 UTC
black and white in 4
2017-02-23 21:13:35 UTC
He can do eveeytging or so he says
2017-05-07 14:43:10 UTC
The answer to reduce crime is to make prison inmates(20 years jail sentence)into"pets"for sale to highest bidders(gov operated program):"Trump should pass the Prison Reform Pet Bill through Congress".(to be remembered as a revolutionary)
2017-04-05 09:36:21 UTC
2017-02-28 06:03:32 UTC
Yes, he will can reduce it.
2017-02-27 19:31:08 UTC
2017-02-27 12:49:29 UTC
Firstly, we need to reduce crime in America as a whole, not just black crimes, but white crimes and Hispanic and Asian crimes. We are a country of diversity therefore we can't just apply this to one race. While it's true black people commit the most crimes (not being "racist" this is a statistic) we need to worry about crimes in America, not crimes in America committed by black people. Secondly, I highly doubt black people would listen to Trump after all his remarks (not being bias just seeing it in the perspective of black Americans) if he tried to make a law exclusively to black people he'd probably get assassinated or there would be riots so I highly doubt he can change the crime rate within the black community.
2017-02-25 14:45:49 UTC
Only in comparison, since Trump was handed the Presidency after losing The People's Vote, white on black crime has sky-rocketed, and white on Jew crime too, so more crime, but less black-crime on average.
2017-02-25 07:31:27 UTC
white crime is too high
Joseph Messinio
2017-02-25 05:18:26 UTC
Black Crimes Matter!
2017-02-25 02:53:41 UTC
You're asking if a white criminal can do something about black criminals. What makes you think the white criminal cares.
2017-02-25 01:49:10 UTC
thats racist!
2017-02-25 00:24:39 UTC
Donald can do anything...
2017-02-24 18:07:07 UTC
the government can only make laws to legislate for the people equally. what the people can not find within, can not be legislated from without.

if black crime is too high, obviously, it must the white man's problem?

there is a bit of confusion about what civil rights actually mean. when the black community says it will resist segregation, it has become confused and is saying that it will resist open integration, it will resist equal rights for all americans, that it will openly support crime and criminals who murder, sell and traffic drugs, defraud, and assault people.

while christian members of the black community number almost 98%, the crime rate says, no one believes in it. there are thousands of black churches, but they are more interested in being political centers to agitating for civil rights by condemning the "white" man. so, realistically they have lost their "true mission", and have fallen into lower paths of social work.

the crime in the christian black community are caused by the failures of the churches, their leaders, and the failure of christian religion to "save" the black community from their own evil.
2017-02-24 09:15:09 UTC
not at all... black crime has been high for a long time... no hope it shall go down now
2017-02-24 02:20:07 UTC
I have no idea
2017-02-24 00:44:35 UTC
Ask your mayor to address the problem first.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.