well, i know the feeling, i live in central u.s., andwe moved here a year ago, just after theses people two houses down..we have had my car gone thru twice, my husbands broken back window, (he has a nice car), ny new car scratched, loud music from their kids car, talking stuff out there car when they drive by, and their dof shitting in my yard. we have a pretty quiet neighbor hood without them too... and I was pregnant when this occured (he is 9 weeks old now)...there are tons of people always at their house...
basically, we havent had a problem with them for months!
here is what i did..generally...
i did certain things anonomously and Not so they would know i mean business and care about the neighborhood, and i did certain things to let them know i am not a bad person, to appeal to what little humanness they may have..
I let them see me talking with many neighbors at times...I spoke directly to MOM of house about the incident of the two year old running loose, I spoke directly to MOM of the teens yelling things out of their windows, and that I would not stand for that especially with my 4 year old there..Once, I went over to trade with the teens( i had some used c.d.s)to turn the car music down..later dad yelled at me for "causing trouble" with his daughter...so later, I took ice pops over for the kids and said it was a peace offering, because I am gonna be living here for a LONG TIME...
i called the police EVERY time to make a report...anonomously for the "too many cars" issue...anonomously for the dog being out issue severaltimes)...
anonomously for the dog in back with no water issue...
they knew that i called for some matters, but they didnt know which ones...so they didnt hate me, but knew i was taking care of business...we havent had problems for months! so appeal to their good side, go over, bring some sweets for the kids...let them know you arent a bad person, tell MOM, you wanted to speak to the woman of the house, very important to say this...hope it helps..laney
p.s. you arent kissing ***, but you are politely allowing them to kiss yours!