2011-03-16 18:36:07 UTC
i'm waiting for a package that should have been delivered yesterday. but instead of the package, i got a note in my mail box saying that i have to go to the post office to pick it up instead. OR in smaaalllll writing i could go online and request to have it redelivered. so i did that yesterday and it should have came today. but it didnt. i even filled out that little piece of paper that was left in my mail box, and i signed it and everything. and i watched the mail man take it. if he does NOT deliver my package tomorrow....i WILL report him! i mean he's a freakin mail man! dont get the job if your a dog hater + dont want to deliver people's mail when thats your job!!!!!! and he's a shady person! he reported me saying i verbally abused him when i did not! and he's referring to an incident that happend when i was 10 years old. and im 19 now! and i wouldnt have gotten an attitude if he hadnt skipped our house 3 days in a row and walk away from me really fast acting like he didnt even see me! UGH im sooo fed up.
how do i report this stupid jackass!!!!???????