Police don't generally run into active shooting situations, they wait for backup. Handgun vs AK=15 does not look good for the handgun holder. Hell, police often get backup for common traffic stops.
The most effective and cost effective way to reduce school shootings is not to put airport-level security screening at all school entrances; it is to keep guns out of the hands of children and others that would harm children.
As the argument goes, we put guards with guns in banks to stop thieves, so why not use that same strategy to protect our children? After all, we cherish these young lives far more than we do our bank deposits, don’t we?
There is a gut appeal to such an argument to be sure—and if only the facts agreed with it, it might be persuasive.
But they don’t. Indeed, the facts (and by “facts,” I mean the real facts) counter this line of reasoning.
Some research has shown that school cops can exacerbate the school-to-prison pipeline, a phenomenon in which students are pushed out of school and into the criminal justice system.
A 2013 report from the Congressional Research Service, produced as a response to the Sandy Hook shooting, indicated that children who had cops in schools might be more likely to face arrest for minor offenses. Research has not yet indicated that having a cop on campus decreases the possibility of a shooting.
We don’t talk enough about the downsides of having more police officers in schools, such as more school-based arrests for matters that should be handled in other ways.
The United States has about 5 percent of the world's population, but we have 25 percent of the world's prisoners - we incarcerate a greater percentage of our population than any country on Earth,