Technically, you can be taken away if you don’t sign. The fact that it has been like this for years does not means that it is right and can’t be changed.
The fact is that they are forcing you to sign; otherwise you are taken to jail. And nobody should force you to sign anything.
Now, the cops here are telling us that technically we are srrested and they are letting us go free because we sign a promise to appear in court. The fact is that this is something very similar to extortion.
Regarding the guy that got tasered because of speeding, he did not got tasered for disobeying, look the video again, the cop pulled the taser before telling him that he was under arrest, that guy was tasered because he got scared like anybody else would be.
That guy got tasered because the cop wanted to punish him as a result of him telling, with some attitude, that he would not sign anything. Watch the video, see the cop walking to his car, dropping the documents and pulling the taser. At that point the guy was doing everything had been ordered to do, but signing the ticket.
Regarding the person that suggested here, that the ignorant public should go to the Taser web site to read the studies about how harmless is the taser to people with pacemakers, please, you are not out of being ignorant just because you read anything. Please, you better filter your sources otherwise they can make you even more ignorant, and also fool.