There was a dispute over the cab trying to over charge, resulting in cab driver getting out of vehicle and pushing down a minor (under 18). My son told him to leave and the cab driver grabbed my son by the neck and tore the front of his sweater. My son punched the cab driver 2 to 3 times and pushed him back to his cab. The cab driver drove away. Police did show up, questioned everyone and stated that there was not any reason for charges. Told the people that they would speak with everyone involved and sort it out in a few days. After a few days, my son was charged with assault cc266 and the arresting officer who was the same officer that did the initial investigation, said that he felt the people were lying, basically the opposite of what he said that initial night. Can't afford a lawyer. All the people that were there will be preparing statements for him to bring to court on the set date. This is in Ontario Canada. The crown at this time will be submitting for evidence the cab driver's medical records. Is it ok to have the statements of everyone there in court for the plea, which he will plead not guilty. He will plead selflessness as he initially wanted to charge the cab driver along with the boy that was pushed but the police at that time said it wouldn't be necessary and seemed to down play it from what transpired after ward.