Will I Go To Jail If........?
2008-04-18 20:45:42 UTC
Ok so some of the people i know who are coming over from another country, and while they are here, they want to rent a Lamborghini and a Ferrari from the hotel they are staying at, my question is, will I go to jail if I make a video where i admit that i do not have a permit or a license, get in one of the cars, and do donuts, and take it on road, then post the video on YouTube?

By the time the video will be posted i will be in a different state, across the country, and I'm not really planning to give away my real name or anything
251 answers:
2008-04-18 22:12:08 UTC
No because they won't know what your name is or where you are located to even check, and im sure there is more important stuff cops will be doing than trying to track you from a you tube video, unless you are beating people like we have seen on the news recently...just dont get caught doing it and be careful and have fun!
Code Blue
2008-04-18 22:49:23 UTC
First off, you are committing a crime by getting behind the wheel and driving a car without a valid license or permit. That is the law in every state. Even on private property. So long as the vesicle is not damaged or stolen, and you don't hit anyone, it's a very low level offense. If you are in another state, yes they can drag you back to the state where you committed the offense if a warrant is issued. You can post the video on youtube and omit your name...the police can still find you! All they need to do is issue a subpoena to youtube and they will have to give up the information on how the video was uploaded.

Although its a low level offense, please realize you are talking about doing "tricks" in cars valued at the 6 figure range and neither you or these other people who are renting them own the vehicles. They go back to their country and don't have to think twice. Another country is not going to extradite someone back to the US for a traffic ticket. But your butt is firmly planted in the US. Different situation altogether.

Do you really want some solid advice? Well, here it is. Go get a driver's license. Then save up your money and buy a car Then you can go on private property (with permission of the owner of the property) and do all the donuts until your hearts content. You might think a stunt like this is cool or whatever. But you will not be thinking that way if something happens and you end up sharing a cell with a guy named Bubba who keeps eying your *** like a Big Mac.
2008-04-19 06:55:33 UTC
Those people will probably not be able to rent those cars, but if they do, and you do that, they could get in trouble. It's not good for someone from another country to commit crimes if they ever want to come here again; because they won't be allowed to. What is the purpose of admitting you don't have a liscence on the video? To make sure it's known that this is illegal? That's real stupid. The police wouldn't bother to track you down for a driving without a liscence charge. The hotel might, and if they want it prosecuted, the police are obligated to do it. Your friends will be charged too. Even without your real name, you can easily be caught if anyone wants to persue it. You will probably get stopped by a cop when you get on the road anyway. The video will get you on Worlds dumbest crimminals.
2008-04-19 08:45:24 UTC
Nowadays you can get in very serious trouble for posting something like this on the internet---regardless where you live....because it's the local authorities that watch over sites like that nowadays, and there are locals who will see the video and know who you are. And if you are actually driving without a permit or license, then you will be in more trouble than you imagine, because you were crossing state lines, making it a federal offense. If I were you I would seriously think about it if a little fun and a prank to post on will be worth all that trouble...because the locals might just give you a ticket---the feds are not that kind......
2008-04-19 00:27:20 UTC
This is the flaw in a lot of peoples minds. They think the government is immensely humongous and has tons of time to spend on petty things. Even if you HAD a license, doing donuts could technically be considered "illegal" but do you think cops try to track down every face in a car video? No. Even if a cop came across your video on YouTube they wouldn't think much about it. They spend time and money on much more important cases than tracking down a 15 year old doing donuts. To answer your question, No, it would be an extreme oddity for you to get in trouble from the video.

However, you may get in trouble while in the process of doing donuts. If that happens you could have a hefty amount of fines and even probation and/or community service.
2008-04-19 08:18:05 UTC
Depending on what town you live in, yes, you could easily go to jail-if you're caught in the act.

I seriously doubt, however, that you will get into any trouble if you post the video on youtube. If you're not caught while actually doing the donuts, then nothing's going to happen to you (especially if you don't do anything really stupid like giving your name and personal info on youtube). There are so many scams on youtube that the only thing the police ever waste their time with is really illegal stuff, like child pornography. Nobody's going to track you down by that video, even if they can.

So, if you live in a big city with a good police force, you have a good chance of being busted in the act. However-that's your choice. If you don't live in a town or city with a good police force, you might get off. If you don't get caught in the act, trust me, nothing's going to happen to you as a result of that video. I'm sure you won't be the first or last to post things like that on youtube, and not have anything happen.
Steve P
2008-04-18 22:54:35 UTC
Will you BE SENTENCED to jail? No, not unless you get caught comitting a big crime... I.E. you T-bone another car at an intersection and kill other people. Will you GO TO jail? Well if you get caught they might throw you in a holding cell overnight, again depending on the severity of the crime. Driving uninsured and unlicensed is not punishable by jail time (as far as i know of) unless you have a long criminal record for doing such things. Reckless operation is another matter entirely. That carries a very heavy penalty in most states.

Do you really think a rental company for high-end cars hasn't already thought of this? Lamborghinis are not cheap machines and they want to protect their quarter-million-dollar investments after all.

I hear many prisons have internet access; adult prisons anyways. On the off-chance that you happen to be over 18 years old, please let us know how it goes.
George S
2008-04-19 10:24:44 UTC
All of that kind of stuff depends on the interest of authorities. You are doing something illegal. It's their choice what they do about it, if they ever know about it.

A more important related issue is can you control what you are doing with that car? I know of people who jumped on high performance cars and froze. The noise and acceleration can be frightening to some people unaccustomed to that. One person I knew lost control of a new, stock Chevy II with a large, high performance engine during the days of the muscle car build up. That car had a short wheelbase and was hard to control even for experienced people. He froze on it and crashed into a nearby building.

If you do something like that, or worse, the authorities definitely will be interested and take action even if you don't put it on You Tube.

The other element concerning me is why you have so little care about other people's property, although that's been common particularly among younger people for longer than I've been around. Perhaps because you haven't been required to pay for it yourself, you don't respect its value; or is it that you don't respect other people; or have you just been indoctrinated by the neo-Marxists to not respect capitalist enterprises? From your comments I suspect the former, as opposed to the latter.

Anyway, asking this question shows hope for you. Start thinking about the questions above. They will make a difference in your life.
Joan Sandverysmart
2008-04-19 09:00:53 UTC
In any country it is unlawful to drive a vehicle on the public street without a

license, for that country. Foreign Licenses

are not recognised in America, but an

international American License is recognised in any part of the world,without

a permit to drive on the street, and if caught

in violation and fraud then! jail is the next stop. The only thing I think don't require a

license is drivling a donkey cart! and that

might be also a violation in the States.
2008-04-19 08:38:18 UTC
I have a question for you....why would you drive a car without a permit and when you clearly don't have respect for the rules of the road, why would you drive somewhere that there are children and other innocent people you could kill if you have an accident? Its people like you that I fear when I am in the car with my son. I think you need to find a new hobby and realize that that is a stupid idea only punk kids would find amusing. Frankly I hope you go to jail.
richard h
2008-04-18 23:03:16 UTC
While I think what you're going to do sounds stupid, I will just give you the facts without a moral lecture based on no knowledge as most of the other answers are. Local law enforcement is not going to bother to track down and prosecute someone driving without a license unless someone were killed or seriously injured by your driving. Even if they did, the punishment for driving without a license is typically does not include jail time in most states unless the you have a revoked license.
Hash Slinger
2008-04-19 07:58:47 UTC
check it out people, Guy! If u'r "bro's" come in from another country must have passports & visas.(do U?) Niether are valid drivers licences or permits. Unless proof of valid drivers authorization is shown none of U go in anything the hotel has to rent.

You want to make a public video stateing you don't have any valid lic. or Permitt, get in one of the cars doing donuts and sight seeing...posting it on "u-boob" no name, dude!

Every "State Clown" "City PoPo" and "County Mounty" will be on "Your" *** the minute you've left the Hotel and have U befor U hit the State Line. "YES,U WILL GO TO JAIL". As for that video you make-what video?
2008-04-18 22:35:05 UTC
Um, yep! Most crimes require a mens rea, and if you admit anything up front you've proven that you had the requisite intent. Going to another state won't help, either, b/c there is such a thing as extradition between states. And if you cause an accident doing your doughnuts and someone dies for any reason (even if it's from a heart attack) you've committed 2nd degree murder b/c you were behaving recklessly. Also b/c you would be behaving recklessly, you could be sued for punitive damages, and those can get extreme.
The Cleaner
2008-04-19 05:01:30 UTC
I think by putting yourself on video you are asking for trouble. If you go to jail that depends on your criminal record history and what state you are in. With all this said if you get the attention of a law enforcement agency and you become their focus then your again probably going to be arrested. There is a big difference between being arrested, then convicted, then going to jail. Use good judgment and don't spin the wheel if you may not like the outcome.
2008-04-18 21:43:17 UTC
I'm a white irish illegally immigrated from Canada. I crossed the border with my car since 2001 and I have been living and working in the US ever since.

No one would ever notice my illegal status in this country. I've been driving with no license, rent and work with no social security number, paying no taxes. I only use my Canadian ID for buying alcohol and to get access when I hang out with US citizens.

Illegal immigrant term is bullsh%#. It is just to discriminate those Latino, Asian, Green, Black, Yellow, Purple and the such. The term itself was unreal.

"If there's no boder, there's no country" Damn straight, but why not try to figure out which border should really be reenforced. Out there, or in the morality.

So those who say sh&^ about illegal immigrant, I am one of them. And I bet you wont notice anything when I sit close to those white boys because your hate is way too much to see the better good.

And oh, what if aussie Hopkins is still a fob?

Peace Bishes.
2015-12-05 05:42:25 UTC
they could get in trouble. It's not good for someone from another country to commit crimes if they ever want to come here again; because they won't be allowed to. What is the purpose of admitting you don't have a liscence on the video? To make sure it's known that this is illegal? That's real stupid. The police wouldn't bother to track you down for a driving without a liscence charge. The hotel might, and if they want it prosecuted, the police are obligated to do it. Your friends will be charged too. Even without your real name, you can easily be caught if anyone wants to persue it. You will probably get stopped by a cop when you get on the road anyway. The video will get you on Worlds dumbest crimminals.
2008-04-19 08:18:00 UTC
If these people are going to rent a Lamborghini and a Ferrari,

then they will be responsible for any and all damage to those

cars. By letting you drive the cars they have violated rental

agreements and insurance policies, so guess who will be

stuck if anything happens to those cars and who will they

coming looking for to pay for the damages. And, yes, you

could go to jail if you are arrested, and convicted and fined.
2008-04-19 06:29:52 UTC
Probably not. If you are going to rent the sports car in a big city like L.A. or Chicago - even if a law enforcement official does view the video, their departments have bigger problems to tackle. Just don't get caught while actually driving without any documentation. That could get really rough for you.
2008-04-19 05:10:07 UTC
For one; what about others on the road? If you haven't a license you're putting yourself and others (aswell as children and babies) at risk of an accident/death.

Two; what will you actually get out of posting this video apart from people leaving comments telling you how silly and irresponsible you've been.

And yes; if the video is reported they'll probably investigate into your identity.
2008-04-19 01:52:27 UTC
The fact you mentioned those type of cars and a kid with no license doing donuts in them .Tells me they are probably stolen. But by all means do a video . I'm a Bounty Hunter and I'm sure going to be looking for the vid and then will get to talk in person!
2008-04-19 07:55:13 UTC
Most likely because so many people will see it on the internet the way I know someone who was arrested for being stupid on the internet tried to hook up with a cop posing as a teenage girl. The internet is full of cops. This would be a big mistake. Just look at all the trouble with the girl fight videos...
2008-04-19 10:10:37 UTC
If you break the law and there is evidence of what you did, someone will probably catch up with you. The owner of the car may notice some damage and try to take legal action.

There is some really bad stuff on youtube, and I think there are also people monitoring it to protect their children from doing crazy or illegal things.

Don't waste your time thinking of ways that you can break the law and get away with it. Do something to change the world and make it better.

"You must be the change you want to see in the world"

2008-04-19 06:27:44 UTC
Some of these answers are funny....

NO you wont go to jail. Driving a car without a license is not a jailable offense. You might get a ticket if you get caught in the act. If you dont get caught, the video is not going to hurt you at all.
2008-04-19 10:42:09 UTC
Its illegal to do what you describe.

Police have discretion in who they pursue for what reason.

Donuts/wreckless driving will get their attention so that means they will stop you, and when learning of the lack of proper license they likely will charge you with driving without a license,exhibitionist driving, and possibly even car theft.

Taking a rental car over a state line is illegal if the intent of the taking is for an illegal purpose which means a Federal Violation, renting a car under false pretenses is fraud,wreckless endangerment comes to mind should there be passengers on board while driving like that.

It sounds to me like you are headed for jail---incidentally lying about your identity is a felony in some states.

Enjoy your time in stir, they like youngsters in there !!
2008-04-19 04:49:41 UTC
Think this through, you very well could get caught in the act and be arrested long before you even have the chance to post it. Depending on what you get charged for ie reckless endangerment, will get you jail time in most states. Worse yet is that you are someone else might get hurt or even killed.
2008-04-19 03:10:36 UTC
If an underage KID such as yourself walked in and tried to rent a Ferrari or something else, they would laugh you right out of the store. Think for a minute about how ridiculous that sounds "Ummm, excuse me sir. Do you have any Ferrari's' for rent?"

You would be kidding yourself to think you'd be able to pull it off. You have to present a valid DL to rent any car.

But I'll humor you and say that if you did get one (which you won't), don't wreck it or you'll be F_CKED!!!
Lee G
2008-04-18 22:27:20 UTC
How do you expect to be caught if no one has your name? How will anyone know if you're telling the truth? In what state is anyone likely to care? The police have better ttings to do than watch UTube. Driving without license is typically only an infraction anyway. Meaning, jail isn't possible. You really have nothing to worry about.
2008-04-19 05:30:57 UTC
I would assume that if officials were informed they would have access to some way of tracking you down, even if you weren't in the United States. If it's a far off country, then maybe you would pull it off. ...of coure there's also the fact that most law enforcement official don't scour youtube for people breaking the law. Allin all, I think it's possible for you to pull it off, but there will always be the risk of getting caught.
2008-04-19 02:09:18 UTC
Yes, Haven't you learned anything about how kids commit crimes and video tape the whole thing.

I have repeatedly seen it on the news.

Many of them don't even post on you tube but sooner or later the video ends up in the hands of authorities.

It would not be a very bright move.
2008-04-19 02:08:09 UTC
Depends on the state. however lately there have been people openly video taping themselves being destructive and such. In either case i would suggest you not state that you have no license or such. In the instance that anything unfortunate enough to happen there isn't any hard proof.

Use another site called.

They don't ban video's. Almost everything is allowed.
2008-04-19 00:47:40 UTC
I am pretty sure you knew the answer to this question before you asked it but I will tell it like it is. Everything on the internet is monitored and IP addresses can be traced so yes you will get caught and you will go to jail for grand theft, endangering the lives of others, reckless driving and numerous other charges, but if you still want to just remember not to drop your soap.
2008-04-19 07:53:13 UTC
There is no garuntee that you'll get away with it and i doubt that cops just search youtube for people doing illegal things, so your probably pretty safe i would guess. Unless someone sees it and turns you in but that it pretty unlikely also. Dont drive the car where there are people on the road and hurt someone sice you dont really know how to drive but I dont really see the harm.
2008-04-19 05:38:25 UTC
You have already admitted here to the commission of a crime and how you believe you intend on not getting caught. Now think of this everything you do on the internet can be tracked down and traced so now that you have told the authorities who, what , when and where all they need to do is trace back your ip address remember it is a signature so its like sending a letter to the authorities a signed confession.
allen l
2008-04-18 23:53:12 UTC
If the the state legislative requests a search on you, you will have to flee out of the country. If caught you might serve a 2-3 year term, depending on what they try you for
2008-04-18 22:32:34 UTC
If you are asking, do you think it is even a real question? Ever heard of extradition? And I will tell you something else. Say you get away with it with no punishment, are you not going to try it again? And if you are recording it and they find you, you wil have an admission of guilt with you. Last point, a radio transmission travels faster than a lambourghini. Unless your lamboughini can transport you, you are going to have to worry about people calling and complaining.
2008-04-19 10:40:46 UTC
I certainly hope so.

I am hoping you are a troll, and not someone who truly does not either know or care about the difference between right and wrong.

I find it pathetic how many people on here are cheering you on. No wonder people are losing faith in the American society. The liberals all want to blame it on Bush, but it is the moral decay that is growing daily among liberals. I mean, look at Soddom Francisco
2008-04-18 21:56:18 UTC
Anything is possible..and the signs are all pointing to "yes" in my mind. I wouldn't do it...too much b.s. to deal with if you do get caught. Btw..WHY would you openly admit that you didn't have a license/permit? Wouldn't it just be easier to keep your mouth shut about it? Heh...I would totally leave that part out of the video...otherwise you're just asking for trouble.
2008-04-19 09:05:52 UTC
i dont think getting in a car when you don't have a license is a good idea, or driving like a crazy person. it sounds fun now but something could happen. anyways, its your decision and no one can make it for you. i dont think that the police search through youtube to find drivers who are driving without a license. im pretty sure you'll be okay
2008-04-18 21:45:19 UTC
Sure it is. People do stupid things like this all the time and once they post their stupidity online for all to see someone could track them down and do something about it.

Listen, why not just save your money and juggle knives or something stupid like that if you really want to post on youtube? The effect will be the same, in that you will be "stupid AND famous" but at least you won't get arrested for it.
2008-04-19 08:32:39 UTC
simple my man make up a fake name and dont even mention the fact that you dont have a license honestly i dont see why the police will care just dont give away your location. And make sure the rental company doesnt find out then they will either call the cops or sue you

let me know when the video is finished i want to see it!
2008-04-19 02:17:01 UTC
I can not imagine videotaping a crime I was committing. That is asking to go to to jail. Not to mention why on earth would you admit on a video that you do not have a license and put in on You Tube? Are you that hard up for attention that you are willing to go to jail?
2008-04-18 21:06:21 UTC
It depends on where u live...if ur in NYC or LA or some other big city then theirs a fair chance that you could get busted...if u live in a moderate to small size town that doesnt have a very advanced police force, then I would seriously doubt it. On the other hand, Willy Nelson openly admits to smoking weed every day and he's not in jail for saying that (that I'm aware of). It's a toss any case, i would open up a special youtube account with a fake name and everything just for that video just incase...Also, as long as the video feed wont have the date showing, theirs no way for the police to prove that you didn't actually have a license at the time. You could argue that you took the video back when you did have a license and that you just lied in the video to look cool for your friends or something...but then if they didn't believe you, and they took you to court, you would have to strait up plead the fifth like crazy cuz otherwise you could get into trouble for purgery...bottom line...I WOULD NOT DO IT, ITS JUST TOO RISKY...but thats just me
Andrew S
2008-04-19 09:59:14 UTC
If your only motive to do this is to put the video on YouTube, you probably shouldn't.

If you have to think twice about doing something before you do it, you probably shouldn't... And if you ever have to preface something with "will I go to jail if I....?" Then you probably shouldn't do that either.

Common sense actually does go a loooong way!
Angel SA
2008-04-19 10:31:35 UTC
Don't worry, because money will probably keep you off jail. although, it was a dump thing to do, I mean about the video, the rest sounds like fun and only young kids would do.

have a good life.

2008-04-19 07:27:14 UTC
If one of those cars has a tracking device or a gps monitoring system in it, you will be caught. the way, the police will also You Tube you all across the country. Good luck on that video. lol...
2008-04-19 01:24:05 UTC
If you're still in te country, yes. It doesn't matter the state, just the law that's applyable in that state, including national, so, because you need a license and you drive, it's possible to get in problems.
2008-04-18 21:42:35 UTC
How would anybody know you do not have a drivers license, unless you tell them,. or you are stopped by the police for a traffic violation. You will not be cover to drive a rental on insurance if you have a accident and do not have a drivers license. You or your friends will have to pay of of pocket for any damage.
2008-04-19 05:33:25 UTC
Reckless Driving

Criminal Damage to Property..i.e the road..they have to pay someone to clean the tire marks off..and/ or repaint he yellow line..and for the tires on the lambo and Ferrari are not cheap..
2008-04-18 22:43:16 UTC
Surely, you jest. What the heck is this hare-brained idea you have dreamt up? I see no good coming out of all this. Yes, your chances of ending up in the juvenile system or ina real jail will be greatly enhanced. You could look great in stripes and pink underwear though.
2008-04-18 21:18:14 UTC
Okay, well it's not the best idea I've ever heard cause if they rent the cars, only the person on the lease is "allowed" to drive it because of insurance purposes.

I would say if you're going to do something illegal like that, to NOT post anything on youtube ubless you get on the OTHER side of the ummmmmm stunts, so you know you don't get in an accident (etc.).

If you do the stunt(s) and don't get in an accident, it WOULD be something cool to share on youtube, but I WOULD NOT SAY ANYWHERE THAT YOU DID IT WITHOUT A LICENSE, INSURANCE, ETC. NO IDENTIFYING INFORMATION WHATSOEVER!@

just omit all that stuff

but, if you ding it, roll, it, crash it, are so cluster F*&#CKED

2008-04-19 05:10:23 UTC
Parking lot on private property you are safe but take that car onto public property or a road and you are in doggie doo doo. also the officer actually has to witness the crime not just see a video.
2008-04-19 04:25:18 UTC
What if the cops catch you while making the video? They can track the car by its license number and check who rented it and they will be held responsible.
2008-04-19 03:54:20 UTC
It's illegal, so yeah it's possible. By going on the road, particularly in a powerful car, without a licence you put not only yourself but others as well in danger. How would you feel if you caused someones death with your silly prank?
2008-04-19 01:05:54 UTC
If the law enforcement is able to find any connection to you and the driving of a vehicle, then yes, you could easily face would not matter if you are in a different state or not...the criminal charges could still be filed.
2008-04-18 21:17:59 UTC
Some guy already did that. He convinced a sales man to let him test drive a car already knowing he didn't have a license to drive. . I doubt anybody would take the time to actually look up your profile to see if you are licensed. I don't even think they can legally...but, It's a lame idea for a video anyway
2008-04-19 10:08:31 UTC
If the state you are in sees it and decides to prosecute an arrest warrant can be issued for you. If your I.D. is checked in the state you are going to they could hold you for extradition to the arresting state. They probably wont. But the worst thing is it will show up on your background check if you ever have one for things like job applications, vehicle insurance, and certain credit applications. Besides, what if you lose control, smash the car and hurt yourself or others.
2008-04-19 00:05:26 UTC
The question is not if you would go to jail - the question is will it be worth it to you, when you are looking out of a jail cell?

Eating jail food, and wearing someone elses underwear is reason enough for me to stay clean in my behavior.
2008-04-19 00:02:51 UTC
Yes, you would go to jail, if you don't ever by, by the law ever. Because then you will have a criminal record upon you. And you would lose out period. So if you don't want a criminal record. And you would have a clean record for life. Don't do what you said within your question there. And then you will win everytime period.
2008-04-19 09:36:19 UTC
I will laugh when you hit something with it and hafta pay 400,000 dollars to replace it. Oh and you wont need to give your name because all they will need to see is your face and they will find you. Make smarter choices than what will end you in a starring role on channel 9's tv show JAIL
2008-04-19 05:01:58 UTC
2016-01-28 14:33:38 UTC
Although its a low level offense, please realize you are talking about doing "tricks" in cars valued at the 6 figure range and neither you or these other people who are renting them own the vehicles. They go back to their country and don't have to think twice. Another country is not going to extradite someone back to the US for a traffic ticket. But your butt is firmly planted in the US. Different situation altogether.
Master Ang Gi Guong
2008-04-19 06:04:00 UTC
Not only would you be guilty of driving wthout a lisence ( which is required to rent a car ) but you would also be charged with fraud for using a fake name, as well as a few other charges.
2008-04-19 01:15:43 UTC
you wont get arrested. you will get a big ticket and hav the car taken away from you. as for posting it on you tube. just film somewhere where it wont show where you are at. also make sure you dont damage the cra because you will be in a load of sh*&$%T
thh s
2008-04-18 21:40:18 UTC
the correct answer is no AS LONG AS YOU ARE NOT CAUGHT IN THE ACT!!! if your caught then duh but if you put it on youtube police are probably not gunna see it right away and they know its probably old and it would also be a waste of their time you could get stoned off your *** on camera giving out your address name social and all other ID and nothing is going to happen its just not worth the time and there is no way for them to know for sure you are giving out your real information so HAVE FUN!!! and dont get caught
2014-06-24 14:15:01 UTC
No one would ever notice my illegal status in this country. I've been driving with no license, rent and work with no social security number, paying no taxes. I only use my Canadian ID for buying alcohol and to get access when I hang out with US citizens.
2008-04-19 06:04:30 UTC
if you have forgotten let me rmind you renting any of the 2 reqiueres major credit card they will run your license for validity have you on camera not to mention credit check regardless of where you live the law has far reaching arm see you in jail
2008-04-19 03:52:54 UTC
driving without a permit =no jail time but you could get a ticket and have to pay a big fine i got 6 driving without a license tickets (va)
Golden Honey XI
2008-04-19 03:35:59 UTC
you can always be tracked down by anything you do online hun....and youtube has laws against illegal activity, even though a majority of the vids are not appropriate.

you might actually get away with it. But 2 be safe, DONT,
2008-04-19 01:09:59 UTC
blur out your face then, just in case.

you never know these days. some people think they're alright, but they get caught.

but if you are to leave the country after posting it up. should pretty much be fine. it's not like it's a homicide or anything.
2008-04-18 21:57:14 UTC
so long as you don't show your face on the video, or use your real name, then hell no ya won't go to jail, but if you show your face and or say your real name, then if a cop or anyone online who see's the video tells a cop about it, then yeah there's a high chance you will go to jail, thats not cool d00d
2008-04-18 22:29:26 UTC
No, but I can't wait to see your stupid a$$ on world's dumbest drivers when you wreck a car it will take the rest of your life to pay off.

No insurance company will cover damges to a vehicle operated by an unlicensed driver, especially, if they are driving recklessly.
2008-04-19 10:03:49 UTC
i cant answer that but why admit you dont have a license when your being video taped? wait, yeah you could go to jail cause your driving without a license
2008-04-19 08:32:40 UTC
Oh really!! You can always be tracked down, so go ahead and paste your video!! I dare you to!! When you do, you will be hunted down!! Anyone on the net can get tracked down when they are up to no good-HEE-HEE!! Have fun, because it's people like you that is making this great country turn to ****!! WORD!!
Lost Boy
2008-04-19 01:00:58 UTC
Ill say this, you can do what you want. but if you was to hurt one of my children with your reckless behavior. jail would be the last thing you would be worried about. I would travel to any country on this planet and shoot you like a deer. so consider that.
2014-11-06 14:53:45 UTC
e. however lately there have been people openly video taping themselves being destructive and such. In either case i would suggest you not state that you have no license or such. In the instance that anything unfortunate enough to happen there isn't any hard proof.
2008-04-19 00:59:43 UTC
You sound like an immature attention wanna be. Why take the chance? The police can view the crime committed by you really want something like that in cyberspace all your life?
Beau R
2008-04-19 05:45:01 UTC
You don't know where you'll be when this video surfaces again. Also you don't know who might see it, a prospective employer, or your girlfriend's father. This would not make a good impression on these people.
2008-04-19 06:41:18 UTC
dude if they find u yes..ur better of driven thoes cars and drive them into the ground and take photos easer and not a vid it will look set up and of to jail u go..dont drop the soap lol
2008-04-19 10:20:14 UTC
Yes if you are dumb enough to admit on video that you do not possess a legal drivers liscense or permit and you get into one the cars and drive off
2008-04-19 06:08:52 UTC
the only way you could get in trouble is if you hit someone/something or wreck the car.

I hope the police have better things to do then worry about utube videos.
Mecka K
2008-04-19 06:06:57 UTC
All i want to know is how old is you 11 you need to read back over your question and ask it with some sense
2008-04-19 00:30:06 UTC
You should drive up to a cop and ask him to give you a race! And then maybe you can punch him in the face if he says no. He will change his mind after that!
George P
2008-04-18 21:13:38 UTC
Go to jail, probably not. But, you could lose your permit and not be allowed to take a permit test until you are 18.
2008-04-19 09:43:58 UTC
Dear Dilllll-l,
2014-09-14 03:34:13 UTC
Many of them don't even post on you tube but sooner or later the video ends up in the hands of authorities.
.. .this can't be good
2008-04-19 08:57:36 UTC
People who break the law and put it on YouTube are just asking for trouble.
2008-04-19 08:53:42 UTC
if ur not that reckless while on the road probably not it will be illegal and you would be providing prosecution with evidence but the jurisdiction you are in would have to know and probably have better use of jail space
2008-04-19 07:04:47 UTC
No chance.......they are not going to extradite for driving with no license. If you admit no license and no crime is commited. Enjoy the ride !
2008-04-19 04:07:08 UTC
If someone finds out who you are, yes, it's possible. There's a few thugs who broadcast themselves in KC possessing rock/guns and whatnot. A few detectives ID them and then they faced felony charges.
2008-04-18 21:19:23 UTC
You aren't going to be able to rent a car like that without giving proof of identity.
2008-04-19 09:09:51 UTC
That is just a completely idiotic idea to begin with and if anyone actually found that interesting id be amazed. Why risk it ?
2008-04-18 21:28:04 UTC
might not be a problem if you stay on private property, and do not damage the cars. If you go on the road, you are under state vehicle laws.

But I'm just speculating based on what I know about my state. I do not know where you are talking about.
2008-04-19 10:32:04 UTC
Yes you could, But the chances are the same as a cop finding burned Cd's in your house.
Bob D
2008-04-19 05:29:39 UTC
on wont go to jail..for too long..lots of possible charges...hoping that 15 secs of fame is worth a couple of years in the pokey and loss of some of your civil rights permanently
2008-04-18 21:31:03 UTC
Yeah, then u can be on the most Stupid Criminal show. U dont tape ur own crime and admit it on tape. Premeditated. Make the vidio. let us know what happens. happy trails. lol
2008-04-18 20:58:54 UTC
You can do that on private property as long as you have permmision.Its not against the law.A hotel is private property but I am sure owners wont allow that to go around the hotel so you could get arrested.YES.
2008-04-19 10:17:07 UTC
Yes you will go to jail! Stupid coppers!
2008-04-19 06:55:51 UTC
No jail just a citation with a notice to appear so they can slap a fine on your young butt.
Da B
2008-04-19 06:50:06 UTC
That sounds cool but a dumb move telling the whole freakin world on this website
2008-04-18 22:29:29 UTC
First off, that's not smart at all and you really shouldn't do it. If the cops catch you, you will definitely go to jail. It would be best if you just didn't do it at all.
2008-04-19 09:16:09 UTC
Only people of extremely low intelligence video their crimes and put them on Youtube. You are meant to make movies of other people's crime and put them on Youtube.
2008-04-19 07:40:15 UTC
Alas , no.

Apparently, stupidity is STILL not a crime.

DAMMIT!!!!! When will we change the laws!!!!!??????

I will vote for any president that enforces a strict "3 stupid" convictions and you're OUT law!

In fact, why three?

hey..........death penalty for the first everyone the grief and it prevents breeding.
2008-04-19 05:08:34 UTC
Sounds like a jail-able offense to me.
2008-04-19 04:04:17 UTC
If you are ignorant enough to post your crimes on Youtube, expect to be prosecuted.

Also, what if you hurt/kill someone, or yourself? Are you trying for a Darwin Award?
2008-04-18 23:14:26 UTC
what a stupid thing to do,lambo's and ferrari's were'nt built for mindless want to film yourself handling a car like that take it on a race track and floor the beast.
2008-04-18 22:35:26 UTC
NO!!!!!!!!!! You have to be caught in the act by the police, plain and simple. No questions asked. If they aren't there to verify that information that you give, then how would they be able to arrest you.
Lori K
2008-04-18 21:26:29 UTC
Well, to rent such a vehicle, someone will need a credit card, insurance and a license. That person is the one who will pay for any damage or possibly be sued and prosecuted by the rental company. If something bad should happen to the car or to someone else's property, that person will probably never be able to procure insurance again.

THAT person can then sue you for any damages. I assume they will know where to find you.
2008-04-19 07:02:04 UTC
Worth the risk!
2008-04-19 06:51:26 UTC
The question here should be why do you wanna do something that will endanger both your life and others on the road...
2008-04-19 00:26:49 UTC
Just when I thought people couldn't possibly get any dumber.

This is possibly the dumbest, most illogical question I have read.
2008-04-19 10:09:20 UTC
yeah since its illeagal you could get in a lot of trouble. and no offense but i dont think a lot of people want to watch a videos of a spinning ferrari. its not that exciting. so i wouldnt take my chances for something thats not worth it.
2008-04-19 10:00:30 UTC
very possible that you could go to jail.
2008-04-19 08:41:14 UTC
ok, if you do it, dont give your details or mention you dont have licence etc (no personal information)

after that, if the act your commiting is legal in the state, then do it, otherwise NO, because if police are tough, its easy to catch you (they can trace the # plate to owner, who will have the details of you/your friends)...
Homer Z. Crowder, IV
2008-04-18 23:15:48 UTC
Do you know how difficult it is to rent cars like those, even if you have the money?
2008-04-18 21:37:46 UTC
my advice: dont get caught.

its not illegal unless you get caught doing it.

besides, since when do police watch videos on youtube to bust ppls asses?

just leave before you post it

and let me know how that goes...unless your in jail of course
2008-04-18 21:36:18 UTC
why run the risk at all of admiting you dont have a license? granted, you're unlikely to get caught, but you never know.
2014-06-14 10:14:09 UTC
So those who say sh&^ about illegal immigrant, I am one of them. And I bet you wont notice anything when I sit close to those white boys because your hate is way too much to see the better good.
2008-04-19 09:28:52 UTC

Your Youtube account has your real name right?
Juan L
2008-04-19 08:43:51 UTC
if you don't show a name or the licence plate on the auto you are driving then there is a pretty good chance you'll get away with it, i dont recommend it though lol
2008-04-19 04:42:11 UTC
well, I doubt you'll get arrested, but once on the net, there it remains. Could screw up your chances of becoming president,an astronaut, or a town councilman. Think about it.
Dallas W
2008-04-19 09:21:13 UTC
hello r u crazy to say this on yahoo anwsers some one is ggoing to call the cops right know just like me sorry
cheap advice
2008-04-19 08:41:34 UTC
Yes, probably after the first donut or two, and hopefully before you kill yourself.
2008-04-19 07:04:54 UTC
I wouldnt worry about the law, but those rental companies will have your hide and will track you down to the ends of the earth. No place to hide from them. :-)
2008-04-18 22:18:11 UTC
lmao r u serious! o yea the cops will look 4 u like they did to those girls that beat up that 1 girl
2008-04-18 21:08:23 UTC
If you are stupid enough to flaunt the fact that you do not have what it takes too drive leaglely you should go too jail and very well may if it is seen by a DMV employee who thinks that you are as stupid as I do.
2008-04-19 10:03:35 UTC
You, like many Americans (most of whom are in Washington and "run" this country) have no conscience. Sad, no wonder the US is in such bad shape.
susan b
2008-04-19 09:05:12 UTC
I wouldn't get caught if I were you,if you hurt someone jail will be the least of your problems.
2008-04-19 09:58:55 UTC
Think about it! It would be the dumbest thing for a person to commit a crime and have it videotaped. Duhhhhhhhhhh
2008-04-19 06:53:53 UTC
You can be prosecuted for deception in fooling the people to buy cheap tickets.
Joseph, II
2008-04-18 21:27:19 UTC
Yup. -But only for 2 to 5 Years... So go Ahead & make your Video... I'm DYING to see it on U-Tube & the 11 o'clock News! :)
2008-04-19 09:10:19 UTC
If you're caught, yes you'll face charges. I suggest not breaking the law.
2008-04-19 08:47:16 UTC
I see a story unfolding here, with a very bad ending.
2008-04-19 07:08:14 UTC
You do that and you are going to jail! Watch the cameras in action. They see you.
Corrina D
2008-04-19 02:17:05 UTC
Yes , you will face charges if you get caught , HAvent you heard of all the crimes there solving with youtube now ... NOT SMART !!!!!!
Jason P
2008-04-18 21:19:35 UTC
If you get caught then you will go to jail. If you're just posting a vid, no. Unless you say "My name is -------, I don't have a license and i'm going to do dougnuts" then you will. Don't be a fu#king idiot and say that crap.
2008-04-18 21:08:15 UTC
I wonder why one would willfully do something dangerous and illegal and then post evidence for the whole world to see?

It would not be very hard to track you down from the video. You're fooling yourself.
2008-04-19 09:36:42 UTC
That is a ridiculous thing to do and you deserve whatever happens to you if you do it. It isn't clever or cute and you won't be admired for it.
2008-04-19 07:05:04 UTC
you will need afake licence, insurance card and ss crd as well as a major credit card, see the usa in a chevrolet
2008-04-18 20:52:45 UTC
Why would you want to admit that you don't have a license and then drive the car on video? If you are planning on using a fake name, then why mention anything about not having a license?
2008-04-19 04:51:23 UTC
It only takes a minute to get in trouble.
2008-04-19 00:24:55 UTC
no u will not by time u post it the not going to care
2008-04-19 00:07:26 UTC
well yeah if u do not have a licents it is against the law u have to have a license to drive
2008-04-18 23:40:59 UTC
You could just blurr our your face and the license plates and still do it. It's your conscience.
2008-04-19 10:08:24 UTC
I wouldn't chance it. They can put a warrant out for you.
Brittany B
2008-04-19 08:06:23 UTC
you could if you go through with it you might have to face the charges.

well good luck and if you do it have fun but not to much lol
2008-04-19 07:46:35 UTC
I don't know if you would be arrested or if the police would even be interested in prosecuting. I wouldn't attempt it.
2008-04-18 22:15:57 UTC
Dream on dude. Yeah, you'll be on Youtube as your cellmate's 'girlfriend.'
2008-04-19 03:20:19 UTC
It depends? The dougnuts you speak of? What flavor?
2008-04-19 02:26:19 UTC
if you wanna take a risk then go ahead, but if you get caught you face the consequences,
2008-04-18 23:19:50 UTC
No but you are going to be in big trouble when you crash!! Hope you have the money to replace it!! lol
2008-04-19 09:30:15 UTC
yes pack ur bags and put on some clean underwear
2008-04-19 02:42:20 UTC
go for it **** the police there ******* bagheads bunch of ***** nobody likes them they are just out to get us coz they ******* suck!!! do it and on the video say the police ******* suck as well just to piss on their chips even more hahaha good luck dude =]
2008-04-19 00:52:07 UTC
i probably would not post it on youtube considering there could be possible charges laid against you so probably dont post it publicly
Don H
2008-04-18 21:31:27 UTC
Good chance of being charged with terminal idiocy.
2008-04-19 06:14:09 UTC
yes you will get in big trouble and face jail for your stupidity
2008-04-19 00:01:47 UTC
Let's see.....are you planning on being a law-breaker? Answer that question and you will have your own answer.
2008-04-18 21:58:40 UTC
I think you know the answer to this question. You are stupid and I am not going to even attempt to understand this question.
Mr. Spock
2008-04-19 09:54:26 UTC
What's the fun of doing that?
2008-04-19 10:14:58 UTC
i think if any thing is morally wrong can never be politically right but some thing is secretable like militant telling truth citizen himself is wrong you know better
Doc Ryan
2008-04-18 22:50:10 UTC
Why chance it. Grow up quick
2008-04-19 09:55:02 UTC
you probably will if they find you but why would you want to do such a thing. are you looking to get caught. what is your real motive?
2008-04-19 09:42:03 UTC
sounds like fun, dont worry they wont catch u my friend did something similar and he lives in mexico now.
2008-04-19 08:15:48 UTC
Ur an idiot I'll see u on the news buddy!!!
nina never gets it
2008-04-19 06:47:29 UTC
Only if someone actually identified you and would want you in trouble.
saint kon
2008-04-19 06:42:05 UTC
Nah I think you shoukd be good to go
2008-04-18 22:05:24 UTC
I'm betting you've never applied for work with NASA.
2008-04-18 21:18:21 UTC
do you want to take that risk? plus if you get caught in medias res the tape will just be more evidence against you. its your call.
Sewer Rat
2008-04-18 21:01:56 UTC
Yeah I would say you have a good chance of being charged with several things.
2008-04-19 03:00:43 UTC
yes sir
2008-04-19 02:59:38 UTC
Proberly lol
Francisco G
2008-04-19 09:37:13 UTC
your a retard u need to have a liscensece to drive i like the lamborgines
2008-04-18 21:29:03 UTC
First of all mon dont post dat sh*t on youbtube mon. Dat wat wrong wit peeple today cant hold water mon. Dat like me sleepin wit ur gurl in ur face mon its just dumb mon. So take it from stunna mon dont tell on yourself.
2008-04-19 07:47:49 UTC
dont be retarded and give urself away. just go! if u drive well then u dont put urslef online
Samantha M
2008-04-19 06:06:14 UTC
2008-04-18 23:56:06 UTC
sleepy but can't sleep
2008-04-19 10:09:38 UTC
rx8 slotcar
2008-04-19 03:44:45 UTC
I dubt jail

a big fine that i'd put $ on

and then "Y"
Older and Wiser
2008-04-19 00:37:27 UTC
And on our next episode of the world's dumbest criminals...
2008-04-19 00:17:36 UTC
yup.....police will trace down the plate number...probably youll be spotted while using the highway...those guys there are much alert.....!!!
2008-04-19 06:08:21 UTC
you have to show proof when you go to rent the car...
2008-04-19 01:32:07 UTC
oh yeah

im calling the cops right now!
margaret j
2008-04-18 21:24:55 UTC
you have 95% of being busted in other words ur walkin on thin ice
2008-04-18 22:13:33 UTC
Wow, you're really smart, kiddo! Good on you!
2008-04-19 06:34:29 UTC
Yes if you get caught.
2008-04-19 02:37:25 UTC
you dont have to give away youer name to get into trouble thay can reconize you by your face !!!!!
2008-04-19 03:29:54 UTC
just do the crime and the up.

employ a cop...they got to feed their kids.
2008-04-18 21:48:34 UTC
Why would you want to make a video anyway? You know what they say IF YOU CANT DO THEE TIME dont do the crime.........................
2008-04-18 21:08:16 UTC
Call homeland security
2008-04-19 00:12:38 UTC
Dooooo it! F the man!!
2008-04-19 06:49:46 UTC
onley if law enforcment finds it and belives it and can trace you
Paul S
2008-04-19 07:44:37 UTC
If they want you bad enough

they will find you.
2008-04-18 21:52:05 UTC
You're only in trouble if you get caught...
2008-04-18 21:06:01 UTC
Only a total (fill in the blank) would videotape himself committing any crime. You are fast on your way to becoming "Buba's" wife. Bad luck to you!
2008-04-18 20:55:01 UTC
I encourage you to go right ahead with your plan. It will take you off the road and make the rest of us safer.
2014-09-25 20:25:32 UTC
I have repeatedly seen it on the news.
Met A
2008-04-19 09:05:12 UTC
you can escape for a while, but sooner or later

they will get you. mate !
2008-04-19 09:55:21 UTC
BIG BROTHER IS LISTENING TO YOU NOW! Your sofa king stupid dude!
2008-04-19 09:06:53 UTC
Oh grow up.
2008-04-19 08:40:22 UTC
...... Dont tell anyone you dun have a permit or anything.... Thats just.... common sense....
Mark C
2008-04-19 07:02:46 UTC
you if have any question in doubt, DONT do it. Is it really worth it?
2008-04-18 21:22:37 UTC
if you break the law and get caught, you will go to jail. don't break the law.
Tammy F
2008-04-19 01:07:19 UTC
I doubt it
2008-04-19 00:33:41 UTC
Yes,if you are caught.
2008-04-19 00:01:09 UTC
No they wont ever know i say have fun!!
2008-04-18 22:30:56 UTC
You will probably get fined
2008-04-18 21:10:32 UTC
This is just one of the main reasons WHY, illegal immigrants is BAD,BAD for our Countries.I mean really bad.
2008-04-19 04:09:37 UTC
Probably not,but it would be a stupid thing to do.
2008-04-18 22:47:25 UTC
yes you may
2008-04-19 06:04:55 UTC
2008-04-18 22:44:57 UTC
Michelle T
2008-04-19 02:27:14 UTC
yes u will
RacEr ChiCk
2008-04-19 06:45:53 UTC
most likely, u should really think abt it first.
2008-04-19 05:39:36 UTC
if you wreck it or worse hurt or kill someone by accident, you can bet its your a**.
2008-04-18 22:23:07 UTC
Only if you get caught.
betotron don
2008-04-19 10:19:38 UTC
yes if excitement is your forte! otherwise no
2008-04-19 03:41:19 UTC
Hers is your SIGN.
2008-04-19 09:50:25 UTC
i don't care!
2008-04-19 09:00:50 UTC
yea, it is possible. i wouldnt but w/e u wana do!
2008-04-19 09:09:12 UTC
children do stupid things, grow up.
2008-04-18 22:08:57 UTC
Damn Right!
josh g
2008-04-18 23:09:08 UTC
ur a dumbass let me guess ur arab too
Crossroads Keeper
2008-04-18 21:21:16 UTC
Dunno; why don't you send a note to your local police department and find out. Wait! You basically already did. My bad. Possibly; yes.
2008-04-18 20:49:17 UTC
It is possible you fill face charges, yes.
2008-04-19 09:23:19 UTC
I would hope so
Cassie W
2008-04-19 06:31:25 UTC
Yes if they catch your butt.!!
2008-04-18 23:59:13 UTC
how old are you? 13........grow up already
2008-04-19 07:07:59 UTC
it depends if you get caught...
2008-04-19 05:26:54 UTC
they wouldn't be able to track you - would they?? :S
holocene epoch
2008-04-19 04:56:59 UTC
I hope so.
2008-04-18 20:59:14 UTC
Probably be OK as long as you don't damage anything or hurt anybody.
2008-04-19 07:40:35 UTC
ya its possible : (
2008-04-19 07:23:03 UTC
What go you think? *
2008-04-19 02:18:31 UTC
i bet not
2008-04-18 22:30:27 UTC
that's DUMB why whould u want to do that anyway?????
2008-04-18 22:27:08 UTC
Technically you shouldnt? because they can't really arrest you for something you did in the past um...

but idk
2008-04-18 21:01:21 UTC
No, but it may get you a role on Fast and Furious.
Gio K
2008-04-19 06:37:06 UTC
2008-04-19 06:07:36 UTC
forget it.are you mad.
2008-04-19 05:22:12 UTC
Pia F
2008-04-19 08:36:15 UTC
charges or not its wrong!!!!
2008-04-18 20:54:18 UTC
umm...since when do lawenforcers watch youtube...unless there looking for drugs or illegal porn i dont think anyone cares.
2008-04-18 20:50:04 UTC
Yep-and the thought police are on theeir way now Mr Bush said so-no thought crimes!
2008-04-18 20:57:20 UTC
umm.. I would say yes! you can
2008-04-19 00:29:44 UTC
im sure its possible.....
2008-04-18 20:50:23 UTC
As long as they can't track you. No.

But if they catch you in action, yeah most likely.

Good Luck!
2008-04-19 07:25:58 UTC
2008-04-19 07:41:52 UTC
what a LOSER you are!!!
some random person!
2008-04-19 01:24:14 UTC
2008-04-19 09:56:20 UTC
2008-04-19 09:31:04 UTC
All your bank are belong to us
2008-04-18 21:31:25 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.