So a cop convicted of killing an unarmed black man, Akai Gurley, gets community service...and some wonder why there's a black lives matter m?
9 years ago

Now go on, hurl every racist insult at me you want...or maybe you want to tell me that because some blacks kill each other, that gives cops the right to murder us in cold blood with impunity....or spin your "All lives matter" quote knowing dawn well you're only doing so to mock the movement............fact is a convicted murderer will serve NO jail time for the simple reason that he is a cop and his victim was black
114 answers:
9 years ago
So a cop convicted of killing an unarmed black man, Akai Gurley, gets community service...and some wonder why there's a black lives matter m?

2 WRONGS never make any thing right ... and beings you and so many others are on a kick about bad cops ... why do you not get on about the bad " Blacks " who ruin it for others with their BAD BEHAVIOR .. why is it " Blacks " should matter more than any one else ... that's the problem with you , your kind and Black Lives Matter BS, you wanna whine, blame, lie about cops being bad as if you all are good, kind, caring , pretty stupid !!!
9 years ago
No idea who Akai is but I bet you he did something he shouldn't have and probably has a history of crime. That's always the case with 99% of cop shooting. And black lives matter is a joke. I have many educated black friends and all of them laugh at the pointlessness of black lives matter. It's nothing more than a idea for the black people in it to try and put themselves above other by bringing others down. You read about the disabled Afghanistan veteran that was nearly beaten to death by 3 black people asking him what he thinks of black lives matter. He didn't even insult them, he simply said he didn't care. Also way more white people get shot by cops then black people and most of the cop shooting on blacks are done by black cops. This fact alone just completely ruin the main argument and purpose of black lives matter
Awesome Bill
9 years ago
The BLM movement is too focused on one demographic. The point is that ALL lives matter. There is a growing sensitivity for any black person who feels slighted over the smallest of things. They are being handled with kid gloves when it comes to the NAACP, United ***** College Fund, Black Entertainment Television in that if whites established an equivalent entity, they would be ostracized for it, sued, boycotted and otherwise put to shame. That's called hypocrisy and nobody likes that sort of thing.

Don't get me wrong, the reasons behind the creation of the entities that I listed aren't lost on me. But the fact is the regression of our society has made them part of the problem. It may not be apparent to everyone and I'll be the first to hope that I'm wrong, but as it stands now, anything the black movement undertakes isn't about equality, it's about domination. If blacks want change, then they have to go along with it.
9 years ago
Yeah, 'cold blood with impunity' and he just gets community service. Me thinks thou art being a little creative with the details here, friend as I find that in pretty much all the states these days, the courts are pretty darned fair and, for better or worse, actually harder on cops than private citizens.

Point is, playing the victim will eventually erode any credibility you have. Just like cries of 'racism' when ever anyone looks at you funny will do.

Here's a link:

Judgment sounds reasonable under the circumstances.
9 years ago
This case was an unfortunate accident, but the even the prosecution in the case admits that it was an accident. Convictions and sentences in homicide cases are heavily dependent upon whether or not there was malice or intent.....which there clearly was not in this shooting.

In reality, cop-involved shootings wouldn't happen if you guys didn't embrace murder culture and turn your neighborhoods into warzones. An officer will quickly open fire on a guy holding a cell phone because he doesn't want to learn the hard way whether or not it's a gun. I bet if you start acting like humans, the cops wouldn't be so afraid and trigger happy in your neighborhoods. Last year, there were about as many shootings of unarmed people as there were shootings of cops, so you guys are playing a tied game with police officers right now.

These shootings don't happen in my neighborhood. Of course in my neighborhood, we actually cooperate with the police instead of proudly proclaiming "no snitching". And we don't murder in genocidal proportions. Maybe that's why our cops aren't as quick to shoot.
9 years ago
Everyone on this world is equal, no matter the race or origin. It doesn't even matter if they are poor or rich. But if someone did something bad, they deserve the consequences that are fit for their wrong doings. But someone cannot just kill a person, unless that person is threatening them, to the point where there are no other way to defend themselves. We should all help the people that are in need, because there is always a reason for someone to be the way that they are. If we make it our goal to help the criminals and the people in need and change them into better people, there would be no need for a cop to just draw out his gun and kill someone. The main point is, we shouldn't judge someone by their skin color. What if all the black people's skin just all suddenly become white, but their personalities are still the same? Would we think and treat them differently then?
9 years ago
Black lives matter is a joke. I live in KCMO and all the time I hear on the news of blacks killing other blacks, and BLM protest and block traffic over a few bad cops? When in fact most black deaths are at the hands of other blacks. Where's reverend Al Sharpton for the father who was shot in home? Or the girl who was killed in a drive by? Of course. It was done by thugs and is expected to happen. It doesn't gain political movement so BLM doesn't care!

The joker had it right "if I say a gangbanger gets shot, no one panics because it's all part of the plan"
9 years ago
1. That's an oversimplification.

2. White on black killing doesn't prove racial motives.

3. Cops often have to make split second decisions based on many factors. Hasty decisions don't always turn out right. What appears to be true at the moment may not turn out to be true. Still a decision must be made.

4. It's easy to sit on your couch, second guess the decisions of others and pass judgement. It's easy to play the victim, cry foul play and stir up trouble.

5. People who are looking for truth will find truth. People who are looking for healing will find healing. People who are looking for reasons to feel bitter and angry will find reasons to feel bitter and angry.

6. All lives matter. Anyone who says otherwise is racist, sexist or bigoted.
9 years ago
Well another one bit the dust, but you better be damn sure that that young man did something to make that officer draw his weapon and kill him. Was there any video or audio of the incident? Probably not and I never heard of the case until reading it here. This country got all of us at each other throats at some point. But to Focus on one particular case doesn't fix the problem it only makes it worse. We all should stand up to any Injustice if it is known to be unjust, but to demonize a police officer because he was in the line of duty that made a bad decision and took somebody's life that goes with the territory and for any law enforcement that has to make a split decision on should I or should I not use deadly force in a situation. That guy is mentally phuck up right because he has to face other officers every single day he trys to keep that job. Believe it or not he's hurting and he has to live with the fact that he took a life and did he make the best decision possible. Karma hurts.
9 years ago
Had a legal firearm owner shot a cop "by accident" or simple "carelessness," would the prosecutor be as forgiving? I don't think so! Since when is stepping into a stairwell a criminal act deserving of a shooting, or execution? That's what happens when cowardly individuals are given a badge and a loaded firearm! That cop should NOT have been working as a cop in view of his lack of testicular fortitude. And there are many more cowardly eunuchs on the police force, too. PERIOD!
The Football God
9 years ago
My heart goes out to the families. I am white and would like to see things from ALL sides. While New York is out of my travel area, I live in New Orleans. Please let me know when the BLM comes to honor Will Smith. The man, while not perfect, was an unarmed black and gunned down in the street like a dog. And if THIS black man's life doesn't matter, then disband now.
9 years ago
This scrub is posting this all for attention. Stirring up the racial bowl of soup again. No matter what a black man says or does, he has to listen and do whatever the cop says. They don't care if you're selling cookies in your driveway; if they say put the cookies down and put your hands up, you do it. Or you suffer the consequences. Black lives matter is just a bunch of pissed off black people who make excuses and not admit, yeah, that fool messed up and got shot. No, Black lives matter are like a group of fat girls who refuse to eat at Red Robin because they don't have bigger booths. That's all :)
Tad Dubious
9 years ago
Joshua, I almost called "rant" on this one as you present no question, but as others responded, I will, too. Your concluding premise is wrong: there is NO "simple reason" for any sentencing. There is a court, with a judge and often a jury of the defendant's peers, there is a process, driven by laws. It is not a simple matter of authority vs. minority and skin color. Do some reading - - the sentence went against the suggestion of the district attorney, and the police officer appears to be of Asian descent. In baseball parlance, that's three strikes. Be prepared when you step up to the plate. Just sayin'.
Mr. Wizard
9 years ago
The "Black Lives Matter" group is nothing more than another "organized" BLACK RACIST band of professional protesters, mentored by Al Sharpton and fellow racists in league with him; they're gaining skills in private and/or state properties as well as provocating mass violence and rioting.

Given their growing revenue account(s) and equally growing media resources--I'd be amazed if FBI and Homeland Security don't have investigative files on BLM and it's key members, because it's logically a matter of time, when Black Lives Matter joins the ranks of U.S. based terrorist groups; they're no different than the "new" Black Panthers.

As for the Akai Gurley case: There's more than abundant indisputable ballistic AND forensic evidence clearly proving Gurley's death was by ACCIDENTAL GUN DISCHARGE; had the killshot come from a common citizen--no one would even take note of how Gurley died.

BLACK RACISTS can't accept truth when a black person dies by accidental and/or justified law enforcement gunfire; they're way too deeply mired in their quicksand of racist hate; I'm not wasting time to rescue anyone from that quicksand pit of bitter hate.
9 years ago
Okay, first off, when I say all lives matter, I am being honest and genuine. I really do think that black lives matter, but I feel that some of the movement's actions undermine it's own main purpose. Also, it should be pointed out that many so-called "equality" groups act as if and make statements and imply not a want for equality but one for superiority of the minority they are supporting. For instance, in today's society, white people can be labeled racist for something as simple as referring to and african american as black. But since african americans are a minority, it is practically impossible for them to do anything considered racist. Another fact to consider is that you certainly cannot say racism is a one way thing in this nation. The liberal media likes to make it seem like it is, though. Consider this story: Now I'm not going to say that any media is without bias, but there is an example from the other side.
9 years ago
Because cops are a bunch of f@gg°ts who got bullied strong as a kid and decided to grow up so they could do the same to others. The force is also known as the tiny p£πis club. They get to commit crimes and walk away from it like it wasn't a crime at all. And unfortunately the good cops are too scared to speak up because they don't want to be known as "the rat". Actually in all honestly it's probably just American cops, you don't hear about this problem in Canada or the UK
9 years ago
It's troubling to me how much mileage these "Cop killing an unarmed black man" stories get. In every recent case, we eventually learn that the real story was "Cop defends himself against black thug who was trying to kill him". After so many bogus news events, shouldn't we question what we are hearing? Or should we take to the streets again, only to be proved as fools when the truth comes out?
9 years ago
Okay, first off, when I say all lives matter, I am being honest and genuine. I really do think that black lives matter, but I feel that some of the movement's actions undermine it's own main purpose. Also, it should be pointed out that many so-called "equality" groups act as if and make statements and imply not a want for equality but one for superiority of the minority they are supporting. For instance, in today's society, white people can be labeled racist for something as simple as referring to and african american as black. But since african americans are a minority, it is practically impossible for them to do anything considered racist. Another fact to consider is that you certainly cannot say racism is a one way thing in this nation. The liberal media likes to make it seem like it is, though.
9 years ago
This is not a question- it's a rant.

You are just another racist black person. You complain to white people about something white people had nothing whatsoever to do with.

The cop was Asian, not white.

Black lives don't matter when the killer is black too.
9 years ago
9 years ago
Racist whites, like the ones responding to your question, will NEVER admit that cops treat black people differently. They hate black people and cheer loudly when a cop murders one. You are trying to reason with the unreasonable. Your most powerful tool is your vote. Make yourself heard in your state , local, and national elections. Tell your friends and family to do the same. Cops do what they do because they know the judges and other elected officials are just as racist as they are and will not make them face any consequences. The only way to change this is to change who is making the laws and allowing these cops to operate with impunity. We have to change the process by which cops are selected, and stop letting the KKK and other hate groups infiltrate police departments. There is a LOT of power in the voting booth.
9 years ago
It's not rite there is still a lot of discrimination in this world. Yes especially towards people with color (African American, and so on) and I don't think it's rite I think we are all human and deserve not to be judged by our skin color. BUT let's be honest you don't wanna get shot then don't go killing other people , that way you don't give them a reason to shot you ? & believe this isn't just about colored people doing crimes some just get shot for looking suspicious but those are the ones that most defiantly need to be voiced !
9 years ago
Just chinkk killing a niggga . If it were a white cop all hell would be breaking loose right now. It's odd how the Chinese community came to the cops defense. You would never see white people do that for a white cop.
9 years ago
You seem to forget that there's this thing called the right to trial by jury of your peers. Maybe you need to stop reading into the race baiting in the news and learn that just because a jury doesn't agree with a group doesn't mean we should riot or protest every time it happens.

Black lives matter?all lives matter? No. In the grand scheme of things NOBODY matters because EVERYONE dies.
9 years ago
And what about the cop I know who beat an 19 year old senseless while strapped in a chair and was not even indicted? Trouble is this kid was white so he had no one to march on city hall to get justice. Cops have become very aggressive in many place, and violate civil rights, right and left, and a bad cop doesn't give a damn what color you are, if he wants to beat your ***, he will beat your ***. Black Lives Matter would accomplish more if their actions were focused on getting bad and abusive cops off the streets rather than trying to find isolated cases where innocent blacks are killed. I thought the entire point was so all people are treated the same by police. If that's the case then you are telling us that rural, poor, whites, in small towns are fair game, until we get all blacks protected. Wrong is wrong, and abuse is abuse regardless of race. If you really want equality, get in the streets for police abusing anyone, otherwise you are as racist as the ones you point fingers at.
The King of Sting
9 years ago
It was not an intentional act, and police officers have necessary protections under the law to protect them while they carry out their official business. That said, there are indeed serious issues with law enforcement use of force, abuse of power, dishonesty, etc. Cameras and stiffer consequences to police for obvious lying and other violations are the answer. - This doesn't mean that every accusation of police misconduct has merit, or that segments of black people are immune from culpability or accusations of hypocrisy. Both sides need a lot of work.
Kyle Perry
9 years ago
"entered a pitch-dark, unlit stairwell, one of them, Officer Peter Liang, 27, with his firearm drawn. Gurley and his girlfriend entered the seventh-floor stairwell, fourteen steps below them. The shooting was declared an accidental discharge; the bullet ricocheted off the wall and Gurley was struck once in the chest and later died from the shot."

Sounds to me it was an accident, but of course "Black lives matter" is really just a supremist slogan to let black criminals(there are white ones too...) to get away with pulling a gun on a cop. And when said criminal is shot, it is racial violence...

Also, I watched video of the crime scene, and the bullet ricocheted off an elevator. The ricochet mark was NO WHERE CLOSE to where Gurley was, and this isn't a video game where you can make ricochets go where you want.
9 years ago
I think you need to stuff that black privilege of yours up, where the sun don't shine. You're clearly biased against white people and I think you should pay for enslaving us in the 19th century. We payed good money to get you up here in the name of the US and freedom. Guess who's making your sandwiches. Jews. And you say there shouldn't be a white lives matter movement? Racist.
What the...?!?
9 years ago
I wish I could give you a simple answer but I don't even know if there is one. What I can say is the following. Officer Liang of the New York Police Department, the cop responsible for the killing, was not aiming his gun at Gurley. Liang and his partner where walking up the stairwell in an apartment building. What happened was Liang had his gun out and was startled when Gurley entered the stairway one floor below him. He accidentally discharged his gun. The bullet struck the wall and ricocheted off of it. The bullet then traveled down one floor before it struck Gurley in the chest. Afterwards, he stumbled back in to the hallway and died shortly thereafter. The stairwell was poorly lit and the officers were not even aware that the bullet actually struck someone since Gurley was no longer in the stairwell. Liang had not intended to shoot Gurley. Without malice and intent, by law, he could not be charged with murder. He was found guilty of manslaughter, which is a lesser charge. He was guilty because he had his gun out when the situation did not require it. Neither he or anyone else was in immediate danger. During the trial, the defense pointed out that Liang was in a poorly lit stairway inside a public housing apartment building. I live and grew up in a public housing unit in New York City and I can say it can be very dangerous inside public housing, especially in the stairwell. I've seen drug dealers, gang members, junkies and the mentally ill hanging out in the stairwell. It can be very scary depending on what time of day it is. The defense argued Liang was in a very dangerous situation and was right in having his gun out. The latter is very subjective. I should also point out that, a week after this incident, 2 NYPD officers were shot in a stairway inside a public housing unit. Neither officer had their guns out. Both were shot multiple times. If it wasn't for the fact that both officers were wearing bulletproof vests at the time, they would both be died. They still ended up in critical condition in the hospital. Both officers survived. The judge did not allow the defense to present this information to the jury. I think you are wrong in thinking that Gurley was singled out because he was black. It could have been anyone who entered the stairway at the time. Remember, Liang never saw the victim before firing his gun. You bring a racial element into a situation that race did not play a factor. Yes, black lives matter then again all lives matter. My personal opinion is that Liang is guilty of manslaughter. However, in regards to his sentencing, I simply don't know enough about the law to determine a punishment for him. I defer to the judge to decide a sentence. Also, I should mentioned that the prosecution recommended that the Liang get no jail time.
Næste prinsesse af Danmark
9 years ago
Lol, as a black person, I can tell you the majority of black people don't care about black lives matter. Yes, blacks kill more blacks than white cops yearly. I can tell you "hood" black people especially don't care about "black lives matter" because they KNOW their own people are killing them at a higher rate than white cops. And yes, he has community service. I'm sure the jury saw he had REASON to SHOOT the victim which is the proper punishment. Cops are allowed to SHOOT people who they see as a danger. Unless this cop was a member of the KKK and spewing racist rhetoric, I don't see why "black lives matter" cares. LASTLY, they should change their name to "black lives matter when killed by white cop" Where are the protests and screams for justice for young black men killed by other black men EVERYDAY in the hood? Exactly.
Marc Gritz
9 years ago
There is no doubt in my mind that many cops that kill black youth get away with murder. But it is hard to be a cop in the inner city. I grew up in Coney Island and can tell you that there are so many disgusting thug punks that do nothing but vile acts to their own kind. Killing them is a service to both white and black society.
9 years ago
I suspect that someone is taking orders from Al Sharpton, Barack Hussein Obama and George Soros in an effort to cause more race riots so that Obama can have martial law and suspend the November election so that Donald Trump cannot become president.
9 years ago
Cops do not have an easy job.....but some are just toooooooooo fast on the trigger. Maybe they should try tazer guns....on each other for a while and see how that hurts, never mind 10 bullets (or whatever) in a body
9 years ago
The public/social media court [PS} comes into play is a situation like this. If you listen to it, the blacks are innocent n deserve respect at all. However, there is also court of laws {COL] in the land. If the policeman in question gets a community service, then that law so justly applied it.

All lives matter, who ever you are.
9 years ago
The domestic terror group, BLM, is a radical community organizer group. If they cared about black lives, they'd be in the streets of South Chicago and never have time to go anywhere else. It would be a 24/7 job for them to wash the blood of blacks, spilled by other blacks, out of the streets. The biggest joke of the last year, besides obama, I the BLM bowel-movement.
9 years ago
Your argument is baffling. Clearly you want to argue racism. Why not scream about an Asian Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice, Danny Chun, giving an Asian rookie cop, Peter Laing, parole and community service?

Oh, wait a minute, it was Black District Attorney, Ken Thompson, who suggested parole and community service in the first place.
9 years ago
You don't think the same consequence would also be there if he accidentally killed a white guy or something? It's not like they give different punishments based on race. But that doesn't seem like enough punishment.
9 years ago
1 instance a trend does not make.

Fact: fatal police killings of blacks has been steadily going down for decades; to the contrary, felonious murders of police officers has exploded, and this year is on path to be a record.

so, f--k Black Lives Matter
9 years ago
I have given this answer before but it does not change the relevance of it. Look in the mirror, Go on look deep and hard at yourself and repeat these words, "It is me and people that think like I do... we are the reason racism is still alive and well.We feed the beast instead of letting it starve and die. We follow false leaders. We borrow outrage and point it in the wrong direction. I will try to do better but I know I cannot until I truly learn to think for myself and stop letting the mob tell me how I feel."
9 years ago
There IS much more to the story than you presented. Of course your motive being racist cops. Had it been a Black cop killing the guy, I bet you would of said nothing. One can find racism (those that want racism as a crutch) in even a white on black dog.
9 years ago
Black lives matter are full of ****. I am black, and I do not follow the movement at all. Why does black people only give a damn about a black life, when a cop kills them, when that happens rarely? Whereas, our kids, women and men are being killed by these damn thugs on a daily basis, and all they get is a "R.I.P" on twitter. Don't give me that ****, "but the killer goes to jail". Bull ****! There is a no snitch code in the hood. My father was killed before I was born, and we have never gotten justice for his murder. Therefore, miss me with the bullshit. Black lives matter are filled with nothing but stupid *** people, who likes to run their damn mouths.
Amazing Grace
9 years ago
The problem with BLM is that it is just a scheme to extort money from ignorant blacks who will donate to any racially charged organization. This has been programed into them first by our education system which has redacted history to the point of being unrecognizable and then by "community activists" who keep telling them how oppressed they are, when in fact the only thing holding them back is themselves.
9 years ago
Look at all these racist comments , it was always funny to me how white people always call Africans animals when only they carry the genes of Neanderthal RH- . Another this that gets me is how they attempt to say Africans are the savages and most violent when they murdered the natives of America , enslaved Africans , and committed the most mayhem f any race of people on this earth , and do it still do this day. They are the only race of people that will destroy all they come in contact with then call u the terrorist smdh
9 years ago
All lives matter. THATS what your narcissistic "Movement" doesnt get.i had 3 white neighbors killed by cops, and another killed by a black shop lifter, yet no whining and complaining during a democratic speech


Civility maybe?
Linda R
9 years ago
Seriously? Read ALL evidence before making a decision.

The police officer was in a stairwell, aiming at a criminal, his bullet richoeted off of a wall, hitting Gurley accidentially. I guess the better question is; why was Gurley even there?
9 years ago
In most Democrat run towns, the Democrat Union cops, along with other Democrat government union 'employees,' are above the law.
9 years ago
Of course. Police can get away with anything. We live in a total police state. Most people aren't even surprised when they hear these kind of stories anymore.
9 years ago
If black lives matter then get yourselves out of the projects, stop wearing gold teeth, stop with the "urban" ghetto culture. Or any other stereotype you can think of. These things aren't popping out of the middle of nowhere. It is a VERY small population percentage of the black community that doesn't fit the stereotypes.
9 years ago
Where were the BLM people when the 6 year old black girl got shot by a black gang member?

How come they never care to speak when one black person kills another?

BLM doesn't really care about black deaths unless they can exploit them to demonize white people because BLM is a hate movement. BLM is KKK for black people.
9 years ago
That could have been unententional. Now 2 second gun downs & Well she looked like a dog to me they should be in prison for. Or shooting the wrong person in shoot outs. Or the well I thoughts. But that bullet hit the wall first. One of the few I might have to agree with the American cops on.
9 years ago
What's all the 1's for?
9 years ago
Its always about blacks. Why is it that its always the blacks that seem to have this problem? No other race In history seems to have this problem. I see a common thread here. Maybe if blacks keep there butts home instead of being criminals, this problem would go away. I don't care for cops, so I avoid them. Like going to work and then coming home at night. Blacks go looking for trouble. Every time I watch the news its always a black guy involved in crime. Why is this?
9 years ago
All black people deserved to die and had it coming no matter what the situation according to conservatives. Gee I guess it's because they're so non-racist.
9 years ago
You're lying/exaggerating and need a better education, son.

A murder conviction is not sentenced with " community service. "
9 years ago
This particular case is not relevant to the Black Lives Matter movement. The victim was accidentally killed by a ricochet.
9 years ago
Interesting that when a headline reads" Unarmed black man" , it is more newsworthy than "unarmed man" The real racists are those who distinguish between black and white, regardless of which ethnicity they belong to.
9 years ago
I don't know if you noticed but if he was racist he would have shot all the blacks in the city not just one and even if he had a little feud with just one black guy he wouldn't just shoot one black person
liberal lion tamer
9 years ago
No lives matter in the big picture, you think an asteroid gives a **** about what color the people are on the planet that it's about to smash into?
9 years ago
The guy made a mistake. There was no malice whatsoever. I guess everyone who accidentally kill somebody in a car accident you go to prison too. Perhaps every Doctor Who has someone die during surgery should go to prison as well.
9 years ago
It was an accident, the officer wasn't even aiming at the guy. ALL LIVES MATTER. Don't be racist and say Black lives matter.
9 years ago
if a white kills a black, everyone goes crazy & automatically assumes that it's racism. if a black kills a white, nobody cares.

what the hell is wrong with society? of course black lives matter... so do white lives, brown lives, etc. this "black lives matter" crap is bull.
9 years ago
black lives matter is a hateful, anti cop movement. Has nothing to do with race. it's all bullshit.
9 years ago
The main difference here is that the officer did not actually shoot the man. Rather he discharged his gun, wherein the bullet hit a wall and the ricochet hit the man.

That is the difference. In NYC and I suspect most other places, families want Police Officers to go to jail forever, not based on actual facts, but on their own personal loss.
9 years ago
More black people kill white people than whites kill black people. More cops kill white people than they do black people. And in recent years Obama has targeted white groups like the Tea Party with the IRS. Obama has gone after white cops through persecution. Obama has said racist statements against white people like "My supreme court nominee is white, but he's really good. But being the big word there, as if to mean being white is associated with not being really good.

With that said white people are unfairly targeted
9 years ago
I like to collect the videos. In every single one of them I've seen the blacks get shot because they do something really really stupid. Whites simply don't respond to cops the way blacks do. That's why there aren't so many whites shot by them as blacks. That is simply the truth of it.

BTW, black lives will matter to whites when white lives matter to blacks.
9 years ago
9 years ago
Google Ruby Ridge. The BATF agents involved committed murder hands down and none of them got convicted of anything. Randy Weaver and a family friend were prosecuted instead. Praise God they won their case.
9 years ago
A classmate I know of,

at around 8th-10th grade (White kid) robbed a liquor store & though unarmed, He got shot in the back !

He's been paralyzed ever since, nearly 40yrs now, & no one blamed the shooter, We just thought (stupid Kid)
9 years ago
All life matter. I don't see color... I know the media, Politicians, and you see color. I'am so tired of this PC world. So i will say this go **** your self's you **** puddles. Enjoy your life. If I offended you **** off
9 years ago
Get over it you attention grabber. I hear nothing about white people being shot and killed by police, but I hear plenty about black people. You want some justice? Go kill a skinhead. Get it the f u c k out of your system. STFU!!!!
9 years ago
Why haven't you had this same outrage over Dillon Taylor? Or the guy in the hotel? Maybe because those guys were white?
9 years ago
Two points
9 years ago
Because people are closed minded and ignorant to the horrible effects of police brutality, and the damage it is doing to the black community.
9 years ago
And a black teen thug shoots a tiny white baby in the FACE calling him a "cracker" and is NOT CHARGED WITH A HATE CRIME.

9 years ago
You are a racist my friend. This cop did not kill in cold blood, and he was therefore convicted of negligent homicide. You need to find God.
9 years ago
Cops behavior is very bad now a days.
9 years ago
the idea is that crime is racist. the US attorney general lynch says that black people can not be guilty of all of the crimes that they are arrested for. someone else is to blame?

the AG of the USA thinks we have reached our arrest-quota for black people, and they should not be arrested for crimes they commit, and she instructs police to back-off.

that is a good idea. take the police away from the black neighborhoods and put them in the white neighborhoods where (apparently she thinks segregated instead of integrated) the people living there will be safe from crime.

if all lives mattered then there would not be so much crime. remember: 98% of the community is christian, so 98% of the crime is christian-on-christian crime. so, even the cops are 98% christian. why is it that christian people have so much crime?
9 years ago
Yet when a white guy gets killed by a black guy, no one cares. And if you happen to mention the color of their skin, you get "Stop being racist" and "not all black people do that" and "why does skin color matter?"
9 years ago
White lives matter too
9 years ago
Did the cop shoot him for J walking?

Why do I have to look up this story? Tell me what "victim" did. You gave us half a story.
9 years ago
Cold blood
9 years ago
This justice system is screwed up and they need to get tougher punishments, such as life without parole.
a la Rimbaud
9 years ago
Trevis Austin, a black cop, wasn't even indicted for shooting/killing unarmed Gilbert Collar, a white teen. Officer Mark Tiller, white male, shot and killed white teen, Zachary Hammond, while he was trying to escape (re: leaving, not attacking) over suspicion of marijuana possession... Tiller faced no charges for the murder. Gilbert Flores, a white man, was shot and killed by officers despite video showing his hands up in the air. Iowa man, Ryan Keith Bolinger, also white, was shot and killed by police... the reason for chase is that he was dancing in the street (hardened criminal, obviously), and it was believed he was drunk or mentally ill, and known to be unarmed, at the time he was shot and killed. Dillon Taylor, a white man from Salt Lake City, was also unarmed and shot and killed by police... no charges were filed against the officer who shot him. Etc...

So yes, all lives do matter. Police shooting and killing unarmed citizens is not a race issue. Statistically, more white people (compared with black people) are shot and killed by police. Albeit the US has a higher white population than black population, so logically it's possible (and even likely) that - per population - there's a higher percentage of incidents involving police shooting/killing (often unarmed) black people; yet per number, police are more likely to shoot and kill (often unarmed) white people... including several cases of black officers killing white citizens.

It's also worth noting that despite the incidence of officers killing unarmed citizens is WAY too high, it's actually not a common thing. There are also over 600,000 calls to the police every day, and that doesn't account for surely hundreds of thousands more traffic/warrant/crime in progress stops that officers witness and respond to. 2015 had an abnormally high number of fatalities - officers shooting and killing citizens - at *almost* 1,000. It's difficult to find a statistic on exactly how many police responses there are per year (factoring in traffic stops, warrant/seeing someone matching the description of a suspect, witnessing a crime in progress, etc...), but a common number appears to be 240 million calls to 911. So, the number of responses would actually be higher, but the number of deaths the same. Doing the math (1,000 being x percent of 240 million), that means 0.00042% of police responses result in a citizen's death... which is incredibly low (and it would be even lower if accounting for responses beyond 911 calls).

So, while officers killing citizens is definitely a problem that needs to be addressed, it is not actually an especially common problem (despite what media promotion of a few select cases would have one believe). And, with white people being the majority of those killed by police, it's also not particularly a race issue.

So, yes... black lives matter, but all other lives matter, too. Focusing solely on black victims does not even begin to address the issue of police violence/brutality/murder, and only serves to alienate the majority of those affected by police violence (the majority being white people) and leave their voice out of the issue of police violence, despite being the most likely to be killed/the most likely to be affected by a loved one being killed by police. Yet again... police shooting/killing citizens is not especially common, despite what the media would have you believe.

Choosing to ignore that reality - choosing to ignore the reality of white victims being the majority of victims of police violence - is willfully ignorant, and an ignorance focused solely on your racial bias. It's also worth noting, in the case you mentoned, that the officer was convicted of manslaughter (then reduce to criminally negligent homicide), not murder. Manslaughter is a lesser charge than murder, and criminally negligent homicide is a lesser charge than manslaughter. But it's apt, based on the evidence - Liang did not intent to shoot Gurley, or even know that Gurley was there, but made a poor decision when pursuing the actual suspect and that resulted in Gurley's death. Whether you think that should be charged as more or not (personally, I think the charge should've stayed with manslaughter and not been reduced) - that's up to you. But unlike so many other cases (including cases of black cops shooting/killing white citizens), Liang was actually charged with *something*... many are not.
9 years ago
Wrong he should be punished and at least serve a minimum of 20 years
9 years ago
that's mindboggling --

spitting in black ppl's faces like that is what starts all this racial bs.
9 years ago


9 years ago
No body cares if a black person dies. Nuff said.
You Know . . .
9 years ago
You must have noticed that cops in most all cases like this are not prosecuted for such crimes, but we citizens are . . .
9 years ago
Maybe there was a certain circumstance. Maybe the man threatened the cop with a weapon?
9 years ago
I sorry but what's your question
9 years ago
Que seu espírito se banhe na essência do meu amor e me devolva o amor em dobro. Que (M.A.S.) jamais deseje outra pessoa e que tenha olhos só pra mim… E que assim seja! SALVE POMBA GIRA MARIA PADILHA RAINHA DAS SETE ENCRUZILHADAS! TE PEÇO! ASSIM: AGORA GIRA, VAI MULHER GIRAR AO MEU FAVOR TRAZENDO (M.A.S.) PARA mim, PEDINDO ASSIM… Ar move, fogo transforma, Ar move, Fogo transforma, Água forma, Terra cura, E a Roda vai girando, vai girando, E a Roda vai girando, vai trazer (M.A.S.) de volta o mais rápido possível para perto de mim, que não queira outra pessoa, que sinta-se bem só ao meu lado.
9 years ago
Extremism, race wars.
9 years ago
The cop would have served more time had he killed a dog.
9 years ago
That is want the jury decided.

You or I were not on the jury and know all of the evidence that was presented. We were not there for the jury deliberations.
Viola Ted
9 years ago
Meanwhile, you don't hear much about it when a white guy is killed by police.
9 years ago
Loving Life
9 years ago
I agree with you, Joshua. Our justice system is a damned joke....
9 years ago
BLM is a movement, a bowel movement.
9 years ago
All I can say at least he apologized to the family
9 years ago
9 years ago
And what is your question, sweetheart? You have forgotten to write one for us.
9 years ago
Oh, Mr. Lincoln, what WERE you thinkin?
9 years ago
Christianity is the religion of RACISM. Leave it.
9 years ago
if a white were killed, I feel the results would have been the same
9 years ago
That sucks donkey balls
9 years ago
The pigs are corrupt
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
cops are totally mad.
9 years ago
everything is so backwards this day.
9 years ago
I have no idea.
9 years ago
9 years ago
Comply or die.
9 years ago

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.